Page 48 - AIT0416_E-Paper
P. 48


                                                                             Tag drei: Ausflug mit Anhang
               Nissan X Trail 1.6 dCi 4x4
               Motor: Vierzylinder-Dieselmotor, Allrad-Antrieb  CO 2 -Emission: 139 g/km  Heute muss „Hulda“, ein zehn Meter langes Segelboot, ins Winterlager gebracht werden.
               Max. Leistung: 130 PS (96 KW) bei 4000 U/min  Beschleunigung: 0–100 km/h in 11 Sekunden    Dafür reizen meine Familie und ich die Transportfähigkeit des Nissan X-Trail aus: Alles
               Höchstgeschwindigkeit: 186 km/h    Verbrauch: 5,3 l/100 km Diesel  Mögliche lässt sich in ihm verstauen, wobei er größer aussieht, als er in Wirklichkeit ist.
                                                                             Der Nissan startet stark durch und gleitet durch das Deggenhausertal wunderbar dahin.
                                                                             Er beherrscht verschiedene Arten des Fahrens: entspanntes Gleiten und rasantes Brausen.
                                                                             Der  zuschaltbare  Vierradantrieb treibt die Karre aus den Kurven, die  Verbindung  zur
                                                                             Straße scheint von unsichtbaren Magneten gehalten. Die Kraft dosiert sich wohl, allein sie
                                                                             ist endlich – fürs ganz schnelle Fahren muss ich wohl umsteigen. So scheint mir das Auto
                                                                             dann doch  von innen nach außen entwickelt  zu sein,  wie ein Gebäude in schöner
                                                                             Umgebung. Außen ist nur „Fassade“, das „Innere“ ist wichtig. Seine Rolle als Blender
                                                                             erfüllt der X-Trail gut: Seine Linien sind muskulös geschwungen. Der Fahrer hat eine
                                                                             nahezu herrschaftliche Position. Hinten sitzt man noch höher, wie im Rang eines Theaters.
                                                                             Er ist ein technisch perfekter „Arbeitsplatz“, der mit einer sicheren und – unter Vierrad -
                                                                             antrieb – fast magnetischen Straßenlage entspanntes, nahezu sorgloses Fahren ermög -
                                                                             licht. Was wir vermissen? Die unauffälligen Assistenten: „Piep“!  Jürgen Hess

                                                                                lone in the car, it is foggy, only little traffic rolling on the A8, so on my first trip with
                                                                                the Nissan X-Trail I have time to think about our future projects. The destination is
                                                                             Bavaria for our recently opened exhibition with the title “Alltag, Rüstung, Vernichtung –
                                                                             Der Landkreis Mühldorf im Nationalsozialismus” in the Haberkasten in Mühldorf am Inn.
                                                                             We, the exhibition makers from Space4, have designed an area of 300 square metres in
                                                                             this medieval granary. We work all over Germany. One quickly and comfortably gets to
                                                                             Frankfurt, Munich or Basel by train, to Berlin by plane. This is already a different story in
               Vom Grabfeld in Bad Königshofen... • From the Grabfeld in Bad Königshofen...  the case of projects in rural Bavaria: To get to Mühldorf by train, it takes four to five hours.

                                                                             Day one: not the best conditions for a test drive
               ... zum Bodensee mit Schiff „Hulda“ • Lake Constance with ship „Hulda“
                                                                             Oops! In the middle of the conversation, I get too close to the central reservation: “Peep”,
                                                                             a warning tone draws my attention to it. With a silent thank-you, I steer the car back into
                                                                             my lane. After some time, however my thanks wane: The safety feature now feels like a
                                                                             kind of driving school. After Ulm, the most important calls have been made, now I can
                                                                             afford to take a closer look at the interior. The X-Trail offers sufficient space, comfortable
                                                                             seats and technical equipment which leaves nothing to be desired: a well-arranged dash-
                                                                             board, multi-function steering wheel, navigation- and multi-media interface. The discreet-
                                                                             ly grey interior furnishing is crowned by a bright sky with a panoramic roof. But, as an
                                                                             architect, I have to take a closer look because, after all, it is my job to pay attention to
                                                                             the language of form and the materials. I notice more than five synthetic materials which
                                                                             are fundamentally different regarding structure, colour and touch – too much of a good
                                                                             thing. Sweeping lines and different surfaces intersect to produce an overly designed,
                                                                             playful and, in some places, bulky cockpit – yet harmony gets left behind.

                                                                             Day two: work-life-drive-balance

               Freizeitwert durch großes Fassungsvermögen • Recreational value thanks to large storage capacity
                                                                             Today the trip goes to Bad Königshofen im Grabfeld. There, a date at the Alte Schranne
                                                                             branch of the National Archaeological Collection in Munich is scheduled. Then I have to
                                                                             continue to the south: In Kempten im Allgäu, Space4 is converting the Zumsteinhaus, into
                                                                             a modern museum of the town history. With the X-Trail, the necessary “driving work”
                                                                             should become simple and easy since all technological little helpers imaginable are
                                                                             along on the journey: from cruise control to “blind spot assistant” to the automated
                                                                             detection of speed limits. This special feature can even be reinforced by a warning tone.
                                                                             Too bad that the little on-board computer does not also detect speed cameras and breaks
                                                                             before the picture is in the box. On the route from Bad Königshofen towards Großeib-
                                                                             stadt, driving is so marvellous that I would like to stop right there on the road, open the
                                                                             glass dome, turn up the music, stay seated and take the rest of the day off.

                                                                             Day three: excursion with the family

                                                                             Today, a ten-metre sailing boat has to be taken into winter storage. That is why my family
                                                                             and I take the transport capacity of the Nissan X-Trail to the limits: All sorts of things can
                                                                             be stored in it yet it looks bigger than it really is. The Nissan makes a flying start and
                                                                             glides through the Deggenhaus Valley. It masters various types of driving: relaxed gliding
                                                                             and racy acceleration. The connectible four-wheel drive guides the vehicle through the
                                                                             bends while the connection with the road appears to be held by invisible magnets.

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