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Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
                auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
                in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an
                ihrem ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

                Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific
                theme in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture
                in Aachen and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint
                motion picture “Oi! Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

                An Essay by Dominik Reding
                N   obody really likes dusting. Neither do I. Especially not on bookshelves. To do it,  office. In front of the window, somewhat blurred, a square with a fountain and a
                                                                              church. Looks like a major city. Could be Cologne. Bingo! Wow, I was there once, this
                    I have to stand up on a chair and then balance on tiptoe and then reach up very
                far. So I only dust every two or three years. Or could it even be longer since I did it?  is the old Gerling central administration building. There were the wildest rumours
                A few days ago, I thus get up on the chair, then on tiptoe and reach up. Oops!  going round about the house. Hans Gerling, the insurance patriarch, was said to have
                Something falls on me. A book, quite dusty, of course: Irene von Tibus. Interieurs.  designed everything himself. As the replica of a small Italian town. Or even Arno
                Pretty colourful cover, office furnishing from the 1960s with linoleum floor and poly-  Breker, the favourite sculptor of the Führer. As a replica of the Reich Chancellery.
                ester seats. Gosh, was this not found in the university library in a box with books  During our studies of architecture,  we shuddered and marvelled at the building
                marked “Take away”? I blow the dust from the cover, leaf through the pages. Quite  ensemble on the edge of Cologne’s city centre. We shuddered seeing this cult with
                elaborately made. Different types of paper, colour photographs, linen binding with  surfaces of marble, shell limestone, sandstone, granite, trachyte, dolomite, this hybrid
                embossed printing. Pictures of “economic miracle” office premises. No, rather execu-  accumulation of axes, symmetries, porches and commemorative courtyards, this hor-
                tive floors, conference halls, reception rooms and entrance halls. There is even a bar:  ror vacui  that did not leave a single centimetre of the façade untreated. And we mar-
                modern-neat with a strange penchant for the monumental. Leather-covered walls,  velled at the care taken with the details, the confident handling of the mighty vol-
                golden-shiny table legs, precious-wood veneers, marble floors, tapestries. A breath of  umes, the obvious intention of creating a city within the city. We would have loved
                Hollywood drifts through the suites. And of the                                         to also take a look at the interior architecture
                director general’s living room. There is also an                                        but the roof-high entrances looked so forbid-
                accompanying text, in three languages: “The bar                                         ding, we didn’t even dare try.
                is part of the main route to work and yet it must                                       Who was Irene von Tibus? I make enquiries at
                not disturb this route at the start of the festivity.                                   the Amt für Denkmalschutz und Denkmalpflege
                As the free leg, it follows the supporting leg of                                       der Stadt Köln: And I get the PDF file of the 105-
                the cold buffet.” And: “Excellent interior furnish-                                     page book Bauten des Gerling-Konzerns by the
                ing keeps to the parameter of dinner jackets and                                        former der city curator Hiltrud Kier e-mailed to
                cocktail dresses yet has to be prepared for tails                                       me. In it, Frau Tibus is not mentioned with a
                and evening gowns just as for occasional lounge                                         single word but Herr Gerling and Herr Breker
                suits.” Irene von Tibus must have been among                                            are. They were said – one assisting the other –
                the busiest interior architects of her generation.                                      to have designed the group headquarters. So
                The book lists projects in Cologne, Munich,                                             Arno Breker, the muscle-modeller of the Führer,
                Düsseldorf, Mannheim, Hamburg,  Vienna and                                              after all? There are people who collect art by
                Toronto, shows director’s offices larger than                                           Breker. And they should know  whether and
                ballrooms and casinos  with dimensions like                                             what he built. I establish contact. It turns out to
                indoor pools. What may have become of her, of                                           be difficult. The keepers of the Breker grail fear
                her creations? I search on the internet and find:                                       nest fouling. Thus there is only this much: Irene
                nothing. What? Nothing? Whole encyclopaedias Foto: Dominik und Benjamin Reding          von Tibus? No, everything in the Gerling central
                are posted online about every participant in the                                        administration was by Breker. From the door-
                Dschungelcamp T.V. series and not a single line                                         bell to the banisters. I feel that the whole issue
                about a successful interior architect from the                                          starts to get spooky. Has Irene von Tibus lived
                years of the reconstruction?                                  at all? Maybe there is a curse on the book, a dark secret hiding between the colourful
                I take a look at the book again. It appears cagey. No office address for Frau Tibus, no  office pictures which is better not touched upon. Unless one wants to end up like
                reference to the clients, just vague information on the places and functions of the  Howard Carter after opening the grave of  Tutankhamen. Again I leaf through the
                architecture. The announcement by the publishers is still stuck behind the dust jacket  pages, smile about the leather-covered directors’ offices and the bar counter of zebra-
                and is dated “Christmas 1960”: Interieurs. Herausgegeben von Irene von Tibus. 22 x  no wood designed by the once so successful and today so forgotten Frau von Tibus
                30.5 cm, Leinen, 32.50 DM, Verlag Kiepenhäuser & Witsch. Beside it, maybe not all  and put the book back on the shelves. Into one of the deeper, not so easily accessible
                that accidentally, a reference to  the new publication Die Doppelrolle der Frau in  compartments. Two days ago, the phone in my office rings. A friendly voice with a
                Familie und Beruf. I send an e-mail to the publishers and receive a confusing answer.  Rhenish touch: “Irene von Tibus never existed.” I swallow. “But Irene Gerling, she was
                No, the book could no longer be found in the complete list of the publishing house  my mother. And I am Brita Gerling, her daughter.” And Irene von Tibus? “Was her
                since 1949, a Frau Tibus was unknown. Hm … maybe the book gives hidden hints? In  pseudonym as an interior architect. She designed it all, the complete furnishings of
                mirror writing or with invisible ink or in the form of symbols mounted on top of the  the Gerling buildings.” “And the book?” “Was not to be sold but intended for the
                photos or … with an emblem on a glass door! “Office of the group management”  employees, as a present.” Do the rooms in the book still exist? “No, the old Gerling
                reads one of the captions. It could be the emblem of the Federal State of Northrhine-  headquarters is currently being converted into apartments; most of it has been lost.
                Westphalia. On the next page, a photo of the panoramic window in the director’s  A pity really, don’t you think?”

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