Page 138 - AIT0317_E-Paper
P. 138


               Entwurf • Design MIND Architects Collective, Bischofs heim   B   ischofsheim is a community with 12,000 inhabitants. On a small site in the densely
                                                                                developed town centre, an ecological new building in solid-wood construction with
               Bauherr • Client Julia Buschlin ger, Bischofsheim
                                                                             flexible use was to be designed. The concept of sustainability was to not only be expres-
               Standort • Location Schulstraße 21A, Bischofsheim
                                                                             sed in the flexible design of the layout but was to be reflected in all the areas of con-
               Bruttogeschossfläche • Gross floor area 254,5 m 2
                                                                             struction. We thus decided in favour of the exclusive and overall use of wood as the
               Fotos • Photos Nick Frank, Knoller Straße 4, 80802 München
                                                                             construction material, for the insulation, the façade and the interior fittings. In a first
               Mehr Information auf Seite • More information on page 150
                                                                             step, the complex demands of the clients had to be structured and discussed in detail
                                                                             and the specifications regarding urban-development and building regulations and their
                                                                             potentials had to be established. What was binding was a construction right up to the
                                                                             adjacent building which could be done with a firewall of cross-laminated timber. The
                                                                             guiding principle of the design was determined by the wish for light-flooded spatial
                                                                             structures as well as for open spatial relationships inside as well.

                                                                             Bright and open rooms with a sustainable construction method

                                                                             For the exterior, we looked for a form which looks neither abstract nor attracts attention
                                                                             and which fits into the urban context. In addition, the building was to be given an incon-
                                                                             spicuous, simple shell which is reduced as to its materials. This could be done with a
                                                                             back-ventilated façade of 30 centimetres wide, untreated Douglas fir planks on a wall
                                                                             structure of soft wood-fibre insulation and a supporting structure of cross-laminated
                                                                             timber. The roof parapet and the window sills are properly concealed behind the timber
                                                                             façade which increases the unpretentious appearance. In the interior as well, the holis-
                                                                             tic design of the wall- and ceiling covering as well as of the built-in furniture of untreated
                                                                             birch-wood multiplex panels corresponds to the concept of minimalist material. The
                                                                             access core with its library wall extending over three levels conforms to the above-men-
                                                                             tioned building-law guidelines and attaches right to the neighbouring building. At the
                                                                             back, however, the building projects and creates a private, protected courtyard which is
                                                                             already visible upon entering the building due to the floor-to-ceiling windows. Here the
                                                                             possibilities regarding statics offered by modern timber construction become manifest.
                                                                             Just a few filigree supports and statically effective wall elements produce a kind of spa-
                                                                             tial geometry which impresses in its openness. The proportion of the necessary steel
                                                                             construction components was also reduced to the largest degree by installing cross-
                                                                             laminated timber supports. The open staircase with roof windows and ventilation flaps
               Aktuell nutzen die Architekten das Haus als Büro, später ... • The architects are using the house as their office ...  ensures natural and constant ventilation due to the chimney effect. In combination with
                                                                             a heat pump and the corresponding spiral collectors, a particularly sustained and eco-
                                                                             logical solution resulted, also as regards climate technology.

                                                                             The massive-wood construct convinces also regarding statics

                                                                             The deliberate and exclusive use of timber as the construction-, insulation- and surface
               ... ist eine Nutzung als Einfamilienhaus angedacht. • ... later on using it as a single-family home is intended.
                                                                             material inside as well as outside completely corresponds to the guiding principle of
                                                                             built sustainability and formal simplicity. In addition, wood is for us a traditional mate-
                                                                             rial which has already been used from time immemorial and has stood the test. The
                                                                             feel of the material alone awakens in us an awareness of working with a healthy and
                                                                             natural material. At the same time, the wood as a material is for us a trendsetting con-
                                                                             struction material in every respect. Prefabricated construction components, precise
                                                                             assembly and the minimizing of sources of error are among the aspects which make
                                                                             modern timber architecture attractive for us. At the same time, we are thrilled that, in
                                                                             the planning of modern wooden buildings, craft-like processing and ancient carpentry
                                                                             traditions continue to be significant. This inevitably results in close and intense coope-
                                                                             ration with manufacturers and trades already in the planning phase which, in the end,
                                                                             turns out to be far more positive and, above all, more effective than it is the case with
                                                                             conventional building methods. This also ensures a quicker construction process which
                                                                             is a major advantage particularly for the clients. Not last, there are also advantages
                                                                             regarding building physics which are associated with the massive-wood construction –
                                                                             such as, for instance, in view of fire protection. Firewalls can be constructed without
                                                                             major expenditure and without other components regarding the material. Quite clearly,
                                                                             the  static  factor  is  also  one  of  the  aspects which  make  massive-wood  construction
                                                                             attractive and significant. This is contrasted by the slightly higher costs – for example
                                                                             compared with balloon framing. With good preliminary planning, the high degree of
                                                                             prefabrication and due to its extraordinary qualities as to statics and building physics,
                                                                             however, massive-wood construction can indeed be convincing and – a holistic consi-
                                                                             deration provided – be seen as a cost-effective construction method. Compared with bal-
                                                                             loon framing, the expenditure for instance for an additional installation level for the air-
                                                                             tight installation of cables, and pipes is unnecessary which, in the end, saves time.

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