Page 121 - AIT0124_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design JOI-Design, Bebelallee 141, Hamburg
                                                                          Bauherr • Client Ege Carpets, Bunzlauer Straße 7, Bielefeld
                                                                          Standorte • Locations Hamburg und München
                                                                          Nutzflächen • Floor spaces Hamburg: 355 m , München: 215 m 2
                                                                          Fotos • Photos Linus Lintner, Berlin
                                                                          Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 126

                                            Kühlschrank  Cook
                                            Kühlschrank  Teeküche  Spüle
                                                      Think Tank
                                                      small Meeting
                     Welcome                       Workshop
                                                                                   Network           Stage             Inspire
                                  +25 cm
                                  +85 cm
                                  +37,5 cm  +12,5 cm
             Grundriss IDX Hamburg • Floor plan IDX Hamburg               Raumprogramm IDX München • Space allocation plan IDX Munich
                                                                           Index 6 11.09.23 DS
                                                                              Änderungen: Schalter Küche ergänzt, Doppelschiene zu Einfachschiene geändert
                                                                           Index 5 27.06.23 DS  Änderungen: Garderobe, Wandverkl., Küche, Materialschrank 2 umgeplant
                                                                           Index 4 31.05.23 DS  Änderungen: runder Teppich verkleinert, Sofa geändert, Möbelspez. ergänzt
                                                                           BESTÄTIGUNG BAUHERR
                                                                           ALLE MASZE SIND VOR ORT ZU PRÜFEN!  Projektnummer:
                                                                           DIE UMSETZUNG ERFOLGT ERST, NACHDEM DIE FERTIGUNGSPLANUNG DER  D23001
                                                                           AUSFÜHRENDEN FIRMA VON JOI-DESIGN GEPRÜFT WURDE!
                                                                           ALL MEASURES NEED TO BE VERIFIED ON SITE PRIOR TO INSTALLATION!
                                                                           ALL SHOP DRAWINGS DONE BY CONTRACTORS NEED TO BE APPROVED BY  Datum:  11.09.2023
                                                                           JOI-DESIGN PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION!
                                                                               JOI-Design Innenarchitekten  Projektleitung:  SV
                                                                               A D joehnk + partner mbB
                                                                               Bebelallee 141  Gezeichnet:  DS
                                                                               22297 Hamburg  I  Germany
                                                                               T   +49 (0) 40 689421 - 0  Maßstab:  1:50
                                                                       DIN A1
                                                                           Bauherr: Carpet Concept GmbH  Index:  5
                                                                             Bunzlauer Str. 7  Plannummer:  D23001.0.50
                                                                             33719 Bielefeld
                      Inspirieren             Zusammenkommen           Dynamik  IDX 22             Vertrauen             Werte
                                                                             Your Stage by Artemide, Ege, Gabriel
                                                                           Planinhalt: Grundriss Hamburg
                                                                             Diese Zeichnung ist urheberrechtlich geschützt / copyright by JOI-Design
             Konzeptskizze • Conceptual sketch
             networking and socializing – whether over a cup of coffee or a glass of wine in a   centre – visibly elevated, it plays a very generous role. To allow plenty of space for
             relaxed atmosphere. The “Inspire” module produces elements and areas in which   freedom and flexibility, we designed all possible walls as cabinets offering plenty
             exhibitions, information or presentations are skilfully staged. These can be flexibly   of storage space. The substructure of the stage with drawers also serves as storage
             integrated into the room thanks to rotating elements that function both as partitions   space for samples and products. The furniture was designed in such a way that it
             and exhibition areas. In the “Workspace”, meanwhile, there are workstations for the   can be installed as a module in any showroom and can theoretically also easily be
             employees of the three companies – flexibly configurable and equipped to a high   moved from one location to the next.
             standard. In the “Workshop”, we create collaborative space for meetings and pre-
             sentations. Height-adjustable, modular tables, framed by hidden storage areas for  Two-tone colour concept – custom-made carpet from Ege Carpets
             samples and collections, characterize this area. Large sliding elements in the form of
             whiteboards or pinboards conceal the storage area, while traditional library ladders   No two locations look the same, but still have recognition value. Each venue is defi-
             exude a creative workshop appearance. Of course, the stage itself is also ideal for   ned by its own design story to match the location and a two-tone colour concept.
             presentations – depending on the preferences of its users. A curtain system provi-  The IDX22 in Hamburg that is located directly on the River Elbe, combines shades of
             des spatial separation options, while at the same time enabling a grand entrance.   blue with apricot. In Munich‘s IDX81, a lush green – inspired by the colours of parks
             Throughout the entire area, we play with the theme of separation versus visibility –   and mountains – contrasts with a clear red. The wide range of contract fabrics from
             an explicit wish of the client. There are areas for working together as well as clearly   Gabriel gave us all the freedom we needed, both for the versatile elements and for
             defined retreats: with the room-in-room system You & Me from Ege Carpets, there   the furniture. Thanks to Ege Carpets, we also had countless inspiring and individual
             is a refuge for small groups or individuals in every IDX venue. Acoustically effective   options for the floor design: All the carpets were created in collaboration with the
             and with a feel-good factor. The three brands tend to keep a low profile in terms   Ege Carpets design department and are characterized by their unique design which
             of the available options. Their products and solutions characterize the space, but  always matches the respective location. The Artemide team set the entire area in
             are not obtrusive. We have adapted this to the design concept: It takes a back seat,   the right light: different lighting moods stage the different areas and emphasize the
             is conceived as a kind of “white canvas”. A blank canvas, a calm background that   respective protagonists. The IDX is a true experience for its visitors – on all levels
             leaves the show and the stage to the others. The “Stage” is always clearly at the   and as individual as they are.

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