Page 117 - AIT0124_E-Paper
P. 117

Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan

             Haus mit Narben und Tatoos: Tacheles als Tor zum Quartier • Tacheles as a gateway to the quarter   Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1

                      Rooftop Bar Clara
               WCs    Bar Veronika  Bar Veronika - Terrasse  Ausstellung
                      Restaurant Veronika                Ausstellung
               WCs     Ausstellung  Ausstellung          Ausstellung
               WCs               Lager    WCs
               raum              Sitzungsraum
               Bäckerei  Passage zur   Café Bar   mit Graffiti zur   Shop
                       Friedrichstraße            Ausstellung
                       Lager          WCs                Lager
             Gebäudeschema • Building scheme                              Grundriss 4. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +4

             historically relevant remnants with the new. Past and present should not compete but
             equally contribute to the distinctive atmosphere of the new Tacheles. This has resulted
             in a productive heterogeneity, allowing the richness of the place to be experienced
             anew. Unlike the public museums in the vicinity, Fotografiska Berlin is open daily until
             11 p.m., allowing visitors to combine their exhibition tour with a visit to a restaurant
             or bar. A row of shops with a bakery, café and a store on the ground floor opens the
             museum to the city, connecting it with the surrounding Mitte district. The new exhibiti-
             on spaces of Fotografiska are spread across the third, fourth and fifth floors. The former
             “Golden Hall” with its double-height ceiling is located on the first floor. In the Tacheles
             era, theatre performances took place here. Today, a multifunctional ballroom has been   Grundriss 5. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +5
             created that is suitable for concerts, performances, cinema screenings, presentations
             and other events. Technical connections and air conditioning are discreetly integrated
             into the historic structure. In the fall of 2023, the fine-dining restaurant Veronika ope-
             ned on the fourth floor, where elegant solid wood tables are arranged around a large
             free-standing bar. Here too, the reinforced concrete structure of the former department
             store is left visible on the ceilings. A bar associated with the restaurant, featuring casual
             chairs and sofas in a lounge-like ambiance, is located on the fifth floor above. In the
             new pyramid-like roof of the building, the exclusive Rooftop Bar Clara has just opened,
             affording a panoramic view of the city skyline through floor-to-ceiling sliding doors
             and windows. Through this generous opening towards the urban space and diverse
             use, the former Kunsthaus Tacheles, which epitomises the experimental spirit of post-
             reunification Berlin like no other place, has been given a new lease of life.  Grundriss 6. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +6

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