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           Der Unterbau der Bühne birgt Schubladen als Stauraum. • The substructure of the stage has drawers for storage.

           Im Münchener IDX81 im House of Communication dominiert ein sattes Grün – inspiriert von den Parks und Bergen. • Munich’s IDX81 in the House of Communication is dominated by a lush green colour.

           A   t the end of the year 2022, we were commissioned with the exciting and chal-  venue where events take place that successfully interconnect the industry, but also
               lenging task of developing a new concept for a space that was to be so much
                                                                         a place that provides inspiration through art and music. The centre and essence of
           more than just a showroom. The three companies Ege Carpets, Artemide and Gabriel  our concept is a stage – usable as part of events, this is also where new products
           wanted to create an independent branding and a fascinating world of experience   and mock-ups find their place. The stage is the trademark of the design, an unmista-
           with authentic brand architecture in a joint presentation. IDX – Your Stage is to be a   kable element and a leitmotif with recognition value at all locations. Our approach:
           versatile space for dialogue and networking, inspiring through the interplay of light,   The first step was to work out together which functions and processes were desired
           colour and texture supplied by the three companies. Additional locations to the   as part of this innovative concept. In several workshops, we developed the different
           one already existing in Hamburg and in Munich are in the planning stage. In each   customer journeys together with the three companies: Which are the target- and
           case, the aim was to create a place that inspires, fascinates and encourages custo-  customer groups, what are the different interests of the customers and of the visi-
           mers and business partners to visit this venue again and again for their specific  tors? What does the process and its staging look like? Which areas and functions do
           purposes. A place that offers added value for society, is a source of ideas, provides   we need to create for this?
           inspiration, fosters networking and opens up the opportunity to share knowledge
           and to work creatively. The IDX concept was born: ID as a visualization of Interior  Modular principle – applicable for every new location
           Design, Identity and Idea; the letter X conveys the values Experience, Exhibition,
           Example and Exchange. The IDX meeting area was therefore designed explicitly for   This gave rise to various functional modules, which we defined as individual buil-
           its visitors and from their perspective. At the same time, the added value for the  ding blocks. The result is a modular system that can be used for any new location
           “residents” – i.e. the employees of the three companies working there – was not   and its specific size. The basic building block is always the essence of our concept:
           ignored. Our intention was to show more than just the products and to provide   The “Stage” must therefore find its focussed place even in the smallest of spaces.
           the associated advice, to create more than just a showroom. A clever combination   Furthermore, the other modules correspond to all relevant functional processes.
           therefore of co-branding and co-working. With this concept, we want to inspire and   “Welcome” offers a classic reception: in addition to a cloakroom, this module sim-
           become thought leaders for the idea of togetherness: IDX is a platform that offers   plifies arrival and enables initial orientation in the room. The “Lounge”, on the other
           opportunities for everyone and focusses on networking and knowledge transfer. A   hand, has a more inviting design with comfortable seating that explicitly encourages

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