Page 110 - AIT0122_E-Paper
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            Schauproduktion im Laden: rosé-weiße Zementfliesen • Show production in the shop: rose-white cement tiles

            Foto: Annette Weckesser, Stuttgart

            Santa Lucia-Stühle in Naturrattan, entworfen von Herbert Hirche • Santa Lucia chairs designed by Herbert Hirche   Beides handgemacht: zuckersüße Baukunst auf Schreinertresen • Sugar-sweet architecture on joinery counter

            I n Tim Burton’s film fairy-tale Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005), little Charlie  lively shades of green. The show production room exudes freshness and has accents in
              Bucket proclaims: “Sweets do not have to make sense. That is why they are
                                                                          white and rose, above all Italian cement tiles at the rear wall, individual floral decora-
            sweets.” Charlie, born into a poor family, is one of five happy children who have won  tive elements – and the pastel sweets themselves.
            a tour of the fantastic chocolate world of Willy Wonka (Johnny Depp). One of the
            scenes has been filmed in the historic old town of Gengenbach in the Black Forest.  Made by hand as a principle
            Since last year, a magical sweets shop has existed in nearby Baiersbronn. Betty’s Bon-
            Bon-Manufaktur makes the hearts of people all ages with a sweet tooth beat faster.  The manufacture idea is consistently followed in many materials: The 20 by 20 centi-
            Boiled sweets and lollies are here manufactured not as mass products but by hand –  metres cement tiles are hand-made in Bacharach am Rhein; above the sales counter
            as it was customary 100 years ago. Dr Bettina Buchthal, the owner, and Birgit Stiletto,  hangs a mouth-blown suspended luminaire and Birgit Stiletto had the furniture speci-
            her interior designer, both share the same values – natural materials, manual preci-  fically designed for Betty’s BonBon-Manufaktur made by a local joinery. Soft, rounded
            sion and creativity and thus fulfil the longings for the “good old times”, authentic in-  forms characterize the sales counter or the sweets stand towering like wedding cakes.
            stead of imported from heaven knows where.                    This oak furniture is structured by narrow, green pilaster strips. Birgit Stiletto had al-
                                                                          ready proved with another project in Baiersbronn that she approaches her building
            Vivid green like the Black Forest                             tasks with utmost sensitivity. In 2015, she designed Luftikus as a home for children and
                                                                          adolescents who have to be permanently artificially ventilated (AIT 11.2015). Perhaps
            The name Betty’s is an homage to the owner’s grandmother who early own awaked the  her feeling for individual needs also originated in her dual professional training: Before
            love of baking in her granddaughter. This passion led her to a doctorate in nutrition sci-  Birgit Stiletto studied interior architecture, she had work as a nurse. She shares the
            ences and, after decades in research, she decided to come back to Baiersbronn and turn  sensual pleasures with her client. Dr Bettina Buchthal admits: “We love sweets!” For
            her hobby into a profession. She explicitly wanted to have her high-quality hand-made  the carefree enjoyment in times of manifold restrictions, sweets at Betty’s are also avai-
            products with nothing but natural ingredients reflected in the store. The Freudenstadt  lable as vegan, glucose- and lactose-free. Unlike what Charlie Bucket was thinking,
            interior designer Birgit Stiletto fulfilled this wish with select materials – cement tiles,  sweets make sense after all: They make happy! Above all if one buys them in the store.
            oak, glass, silicate paint and solid-surface material. The ambience is characterized by  A foretaste is provided by Betty’s online shop:

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