Page 114 - AIT0122_E-Paper
P. 114


            Videoscreens zeigen bunte Comics im Stile der Pop Art. • Video screens show colourful comics in Pop Art style.

            Glänzende Oberflächen und Spiegel im schwarzen Metallrahmen erzeugen spannende Reflexionen in alle Richtungen. • On the glossy surface and the mirrors and screens, white lines of light are reflected in all directions.

            T  he Cuccuini Kids shop was recently opened in the historic centre of Livorno. Bacioc-  aimed only at the sale of a product but wants to give a unique added value by making
               chi Associati implemented the 150-square-metre project with the aim to serve a very
                                                                          the act of purchase a real experience. The sales area is designed with materials in light
            young clientele between the ages of 0 and 14 by making them feel at ease in a space  shades; the floor is made of resin, while the walls and the ceiling are finished with a
            with a contemporary design. The challenge in the design of the store was to give life to  glossy varnish to create a (gender-)neutral look that shows off the colourful video screens
            a place that wants to integrate into modernity. The space wants to stand out from usual  and garments to their best advantage. In this bright and minimal context, a completely
            standards by attracting the attention of young children and adults, dissociating itself  green space stands out. This room is located at the back of the shop and it is already
            from all the canonical aspects concerning the sphere of childhood. The ambiance takes  clearly visible from the outside, creating a focus of interest on the entire shop and at-
            up the digital culture, and each inserted element adds to the dynamics of the space. At-  tracting the attention of the public, who is invited to enter and discover the interior
            mospheres change continuously, not interfering with the clothes that are shown to their  space. The choice of the colour green is not only related to aesthetic design, but also to
            best advantage and remain the main protagonist. At the same time, the garments on dis-  its symbolic meaning: unlike other colour stereotypes, green is not associated to any
            play integrate with the design elements of the store themselves, so that everything that  gender in particular, and it is the colour of nature –a theme that is of increasing impor-
            is present is part of a single project. The identity of the store results from the combination  tance to the young generation. As for this room, the walls and the ceiling are finished in
            of architecture and design; both lines and volumes are essential; plastic elements in light  a green glossy varnish, while the floor corresponds with the rest of the shop.
            shades are contrasted by a green setting. Light lines are reflected and multiplied on
            glossy surfaces in every direction, creating the impression of continuous movement. Dis- Monochrome and light-reflecting – with more than a hint of green!
            play hangers with dynamic video contents are arranged in different directions und illu-
            minate the shop with a constantly changing atmosphere. Cuccuini Kids is a space for  Green leather sofas and sideboards along the walls enhance the monochrome effect.
            everyone, without gender distinctions, that follows a new concept by detaching itself  The clothes are presented on wall shelves. The shimmering surfaces reflect the light
            from traditional sales systems to meet the trends of the young generation with their in-  tubes attached to the front sides of the wall shelves – in this way, the products are indi-
            creasing interest in the digital world. The design philosophy of Baciocchi Associati is not  rectly illuminated from different directions and with varying intensity. These “light sec-

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