Page 71 - AIT0120_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Domani, CN-Guangzhou
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Urban Revivo, CN-Guangzhou
                                                                                     Standort • Location Westfield Mall, GB-London
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 2.500 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Ann Yu, CN-Guangzhou
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More information on page 134

                                                                                     UR FLAGSHIPSTORE

                                                                                     IN LONDON

                                                                                     The Chinese answer to Zara and H&M is Urban Revivo
                                                                                     and currently opening new stores worldwide. In Lon-
                                                                                     don's Westfield Mall, designers from the agency Domani
                                                                                     created one of the largest flagship stores in Europe for
                                                                                     the young Asian fashion brand. Colours, materials and
                                                                                     objects blend into an overall concept that combines in-
                                                                                     ternational branding with local characteristics.

                                                                                     M    any people usually associate China with drinking tea according
                                                                                          to traditional ceremonial customs from earthen cups, which are
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               produced in all shades of brown, ranging from light red to almost
                                                                                     black. Particularly well-known are tea ceramics made of Yixing clay, an
                                                                                     iron-oxide-containing earth with a characteristic violet-brown colou-
                                                                                     ring, which has been very popular throughout Europe since the seven-
                                                                                     teenth century. It is therefore no coincidence that Domani Architectural
                                                                                     Concepts from China has based its design concept for the new fashion
                                                                                     store entirely on the typical colour in vernacular referred to as purple
                                                                                     sand, a muted pinkish-red tinge of beige in combination with rust-red
                                                                                     iron profiles. A wall, already visible from a distance and plastered in
                                                                                     exactly this colour, guides passers-by into the store of the Asian fashion
                                                                                     brand UR. Here, surprising, unforeseen perspectives open up for those
                                                                                     entering: suspended cubes structure the two-storey sales area, form
                                                                                     gaps and interspaces, create different spatial proportions and visual
                                                                                     relationships and thus arouse curiosity among the potential customers
                                                                                     to venture deeper into the store. This impression is further reinforced
                                                                                     by a skeletal presentation system made of standardised square profi-
                                                                                     les, which introduces another structuring level with seemingly floating
                                                                                     product displays. Only the staircase cuts into this dense arrangement
                                                                                     as a vertical gap and guides the customers up to the upper floor, where
                                                                                     half-height parapets open up an unrestricted view of the mall and en-
                                                                                     trance area. When looking down, horn-shaped loudspeakers of various
                                                                                     sizes and orientations attract the visitors' attention. The loudspeakers,
                                                                                     which emit fragments of sound and speech from regions of China and
                                                                                     places far from typical Western reach, thus thematise the Chinese la-
                                                                                     bel's relationship to the international context, as do the materials and
                                                                                     colour scheme. Theatrical lighting effects create an additional spatial
                                                                                     tension through strong light/dark contrasts and underline the uncon-
                                                                                     ventional character of the exhibited pieces of clothing. In this way Do-
                                                                                     mani aesthetically achieves what branding aims for – building a bridge
             Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                               between global recognisability and regional identity.

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