Page 109 - AIT0120_E-Paper
P. 109

an unpretentious mixture of materials, light plays an essential role in the rest of
              the spatial design: on the one hand, concrete, wood, brickwork, metal profiles and
              metal bars – and, on the other hand, luminaires and light-reflecting surfaces which
              make the products shine due to their function as well as regarding the design and
              the staging. Thus a modern industrial look results whose clarity combines with
              the warmth communicated by high-quality wines, noble spirits, hearty types of
              beer and clear water. Our fundamental intention was the lasting visualization of
              lightness, spaciousness and elegance.

              Orientation and modern features

              A prerequisite for achieving this was to find room for close to 5,000 articles. A just
              as serviceable as clear principle of arrangement was what was needed here. This,
              however, often tends to be boring and always the same which we explicitly plan-
              ned to avoid in Karlsruhe. Die clear structure of the market area is possible due to
              the classification of the range of products into individual sections which is empha-
              sized with the help of a colour scheme. What was important was that the colour
              worlds are comprehensible even without having any experience in colour studies:
              red was thus assigned to wine, grey to sparkling wine, gold to beer, blue to water
              and so on. A generous central aisle allows a spatial overview and guides the cus-
              tomer through the range of products. Metal grilles in the respective beverage colour
              rest above all those shelves which separate the sections. Between them are lower
              shelves and presentation tables. Overall, quite simple but effective. Then there are
              numerous extras: Two of the now glossy black supports have touchscreens which
              provide the customer with digital information on every article in the range. In other
              places, monitors are integrated in the support cladding. Shown on these monitors:
              advertising or special presentations of goods. The wine section takes up the largest
              part of the new beverage market. The very realistic market also offers more than
              3,600 types of wine for tasting. At a tasting table, wineries are furthermore able to
              directly offer their wines. Thus the customer is provided with the opportunity to
              talk directly with the producer – this alone creates a completely different shopping
              experience than just pulling a bottle from a shelf. But that’s not all; there are also
              self-service wine tastings. In an item of furniture made of a converted wine barrel,
              two types of wine await those who are interesting in tasting them independently.  Umbaut: Auch die Stützen dienen der Warenpräsentation. • The columns as well serve for presenting products
              Just insert a coin – and presto: enjoy! A coin makes the juice of the vine flow, the
              tester makes his or her decision and either takes the bottle selected from the shelf
              located below or doesn’t. More in-depth information is provided at the separate ta-  Wer unentschlossen ist, kann am Automaten testen. • The undecided can test and taste at the automat.
              sting counter which was specifically installed for tasting events. Red Perspex ele-
              ments in various places enliven the market and two graffiti made by the hands of
              an artist and with a height of more than 3.50 metres creatively refer to the world
              of wine with stylized wine glasses and bottles. In the sparkling-wine section as
              well, dazzling extras await the customer: Thus, here as well, one can test at the ta-
              sting counter or collect products one has ordered. An interesting synergy of diffe-
              rent product segments with the overall topic “enjoyment”: the glass showcase built
              into the counter with cigars.
              Harmonic design and staged pragmatism

              When it comes to the design, particularly in the beer section, wooden slats and
              natural stone characterize the flair of the market, whereas on the walls of the
              wine section a framework of steel adds the industrial look. In the water section,
              the belt conveyor – which already existed prior to the conversion – surprises by
              transporting the empties into the storage room above the heads of the customers
              and in full view. To turn the system into an eye-catcher, we subsequently upgra-
              ded it with cladding and a blue back wall. In the check-out area, the market sur-
              prises with an accessible beverage cold store. Back-lit in blue, this room-in-the-
              room produces a fine feeling of freshness. Last but not least, in a self-service wine
              cooler at the check-out, the customers may have their beverages express-cooled
              within the shortest time – another amazing novelty. The number of surprising ef-
              fects is thus large all over the Kaufland beverage market. The absolute determina-
              tion to create a concept for an atmospherically outstanding market with high
              added value transferrable to further Kaufland beverage markets is also very
              strong. Well then, cheers!

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