Issue 07/08 | 2017

Dear Readers,
… once again we had reason to celebrate – and a good one at that: In June, we invited friends and business partners to celebrate the anniversary of our 125th AIT issue. The Stuttgart TV Tower provided the perfect setting for a fabulous party. One of the highlights of the festivities certainly was the speech by our AIT columnists Dominik and Benjamin Reding. In a special anniversary section starting on page 60, we have compiled their declaration of love to AIT, a look back on 125 years of publishing history, an overview of the numerous jubilees in 2017, an outlook on the current achievements of former AIT colleagues in their new positions as well as interior insights of 125 years of interior design and architectural history. Additionally on page 6, we introduce the people who take care that an exciting and informative AIT issue arrives at your desk fresh from the press month after month. Our photo gallery starting on page 192 presents impressions from the cheerful anniversary party (photo on the left with Michael Schmidt and Jan Theissen). To be successful on the market for 125 years a specialist magazine needs many loyal readers – like you! We therefore want to express our thanks to you – with a gift: on the occasion of our anniversary we have compiled 19 homely-culinary anecdotes of our AIT columnists in a reader entitled “Coming Home” and will post it to you if you send us your postal address at Despite the party mood, we have, of course, intensively worked on this issue focusing on the topic of “Private Homes” and discovered spectacular converted and new houses and apartments in Switzerland, France, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Austria, and Germany. They are portrayed with their individual stories as from page 96. Uwe Bresan visited the residence of an architect from Stuttgart, which was designed by his former employees (photo at the bottom). For all readers, who are during their summer holidays travelling to the Netherlands, our article “A weekend in Rotterdam” offers numerous insider tips for interior design and architectural highlights (as from page 52). We hope you have relaxing, eventful and sunny holidays and, of course, great fun with your new holiday reading material “Coming Home”!
Best wishes
Petra Stephan, Dipl.-Ing.
Chief Editor

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