A jury decides upon the awarding of the scholarships. This year, the jury consist of:
- Kristina Bacht | Curator AIT-ArchitekturSalons, Publishing Director GKT, DE-Hamburg
- Prof. Peter Cheret | Representative of Sto Foundation and Cheret Bozic Architekten BDA DWB,
DE-Stuttgart - Giorgio Gullotta | GIORGIO GULLOTTA ARCHITEKTEN, DE-Hamburg
- Uwe Koos | Chairman of the board of Sto Foundation, DE-Stühlingen
- Sabine Krumrey, brandherm + krumrey interior architecture, DE-Hamburg
- Tamara Pallasch | pallasch interiordesign, DE-Berlin
- Ushi Tamboriello | ushitamborriello Innenarchitektur Szenenbild, CH-Rieden b. Baden