Page 75 - AIT1223_E-Paper
P. 75

Entwurf • Design LRO Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei, Stuttgart
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Sparkasse Markgräflerland, Weil am Rhein
                                                                                    Standort • Location Marktplatz 1, Weil am Rhein
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 9300 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126


                                                                                    WEIL AM RHEIN

                „Der Grundriss bietet durch seine klar strukturierte                Only a few weeks ago, the service centre of the Sparkas-
                Form maximale Flexibilität. Durch den Einsatz von                   se Markgräflerland in Weil am Rhein was inaugurated.
                                                                                    180 employees moved into their new workplaces. This
             vorgespannten Betondecken konnte auf innenliegende                     office environment, which was designed by Stuttgart-ba-
                                                                                    sed architecture firm LRO in its well-known timeless
               Stützen und Wände weitgehend verzichtet werden.“                     style and with high-quality materials, proves to be fasci-
                                Lederer Ragnarsdóttir Oei                           natingly stringent in its structure, but extremely flexible.

                                                                                    T   he awnings of the administration building at Messeplatz 1 in Weil
                                                                                        am Rhein shine in red, Sparkasse red. Like long “eyelashes”, they
                                                                                    protect the “eyes”, the cassette-style windows, of the structured faça-
                                                                                    des made of light-coloured brick against the sunlight. Situated as a
                                                                                    solitary structure in a highly heterogeneous urban context, Lederer
                                                                                    Ragnarsdóttir Oei designed the Sparkasse Central Office in the tri-
                                                                                    border city. The colourful sun protection devices playfully contrast
                                                                                    with the strict orthogonal grid. The ground floor is set back by two
                                                                                    axes and takes up the alignment of the residential buildings to the
                                                                                    east, creating a new “Sparkasse Square”. The three upper floors make
                                                                                    maximum use of the number of storeys permitted on site. Internally,
                                                                                    this office building is strikingly simple and clear in structure. Only the
                                                                                    elliptical main staircase adds an almost baroque counterpoint within
                                                                                    the clear matrix. The floor plans are primarily organised symmetrically
                                                                                    along the longitudinal axis. At the centre of the ground floor, there is a
                                                                                    hall illuminated from above by a skylight situated on the floor above.
                                                                                    On the upper floors, this atrium ensures that open-plan offices are
                                                                                    provided with daylight from two sides through almost floor-to-ceiling
                                                                                    windows. Cross-ventilation is easily possible. Thanks to the column-
                                                                                    free layout all “around” the atrium, the levels can be flexibly furnished
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Grundrisse 1., 2. Obergeschoss • Floor plans level +1, +2  with office furniture. In the spirit of New Work, communicative open-
                                                                                    space working environment can be divided as needed by light grey
                                                                                    wool felt curtains. At the front sides, there are individual offices for
                                                                                    meetings and focused work. The specific user needs were identified
                                                                                    through workshops held before the project. The chosen structure even
                                                                                    allows for specific sub-areas to be rented out. Fair-faced concrete cei-
                                                                                    lings, exposed cast asphalt screed on the ground floor, green carpe-
                                                                                    ting in the offices, oak wall claddings and built-in furniture and white
                                                                                    system partitions characterise the LRO-typical, limited, timeless and
                                                                                    high-quality material composition. The architects from Stuttgart refer
                                                                                    to it as a “construction kit” that can be “easily adapted to changing
             Schnitt • Section                   Lageplan • Site view               work situations and company structures”.

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