Page 79 - AIT1223_E-Paper
P. 79

Entwurf • Design Ester Bruzkus Architekten, Berlin
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client PSD-Bank Berlin-Brandenburg eG
                                                                                    Standort • Location Handjerystraße 33-36, Berlin
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 950 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Noshe, Andreas Gehrke, Berlin
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                    PSD BANK

                                                                                    IN BERLIN-FRIEDENAU

                                                                                    The bank as a living room? Ester Bruzkus Architects
                                                                                    worked closely with the heritage office to convert the
                                                                                    former post-office hall in the historic Berlin-Friedenau
                                                                                    post office for the PSD Bank. In addition to traditional
                                                                                    banking services, the café, lounge, exhibition- and mee-
                                                                                    ting rooms are a lively meeting place in the neighbour-
                                                                                    hood – a real highlight in the age of online banking.

                                                                                    P  SD-Bank is one of the oldest of its kind: its abbreviation stands
                                                                                       for Post-, Spar- und Darlehensverein (postal-, savings- and loan-
                                                                                    association) and dates back to its founding around 150 years ago as a
                                                                                    self-help organization for postal employees. Organized as a cooperative
                                                                                    for Berlin and Brandenburg, it was recently repeatedly named the most
                                                                                    popular regional bank with a high level of loyalty and the best moderni-
                                                                                    zation loans. The bank’s remodelling is based on a strong social, formal
                                                                                    and material guiding principle that aims to bring vibrancy and moder-
                                                                                    nity to the district. The café is accessed as soon as you enter the hall
                                                                                    and proves to be a contemporary and inviting neighbourhood magnet
                                                                                    for lingering, meeting and communicating. Young and old alike are
                                                                                    welcome in their own new “community living room in the neighbour-
                                                                                    hood”, and the inclusive concept aims to appeal in particular to older
                                                                                    customers who sometimes find modern digital banking transactions
                                                                                    too impersonal and alienating, who are looking for support or have
                                                                                    questions. Ester Bruzkus Architekten integrated the listing-compliant
                                                                                    renovation of the historic post-office building into the design: the floor,
                                                                                    pillars and ceiling were restored to their original state and produce an
                                                                                    inspiring dialogue with the new materials: warm and stained woods,
                                                                                    shiny metals, terrazzo made from recycled materials and vintage carpets
                                                                                    complement the historic stone floors, the originally preserved and pain-
                                                                                    stakingly restored wooden panelling of the supports and the historic
                                                                                    colours that were uncovered beneath the layers of the last 100 years
                                                                                    in a contrasting but harmonious way and with Bruzkus’ own subtle
                                                                                    opulence. Planted room dividers and terrazzo seating elements divide
                                                                                    functional areas into zones, wheras consultation- and locker areas have
                                                                                    been designed as room-in-room. Outside opening hours, folding-sliding
                                                                                    elements separate the bank, café and lounge areas, allowing access to
                                                                                    the ATMs. It is worth mentioning that, in keeping with the regionally
                                                                                    rooted cooperative bank’s philosophy, the conversion measures prima-
                                                                                    rily favoured the cooperation of medium-sized businesses and regional
             Grundriss • Floor plan                   Visualisierung • Visualization  companies were also chosen for supplying the furniture.

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