Page 99 - AIT1122_E-Paper
P. 99

Entwurf • Design Formafatal, CZ-Prag
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Cellularium, CZ-Prag
                                                                                     Standort • Location Main Point Pankrác, CZ-Prag
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 155 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos BoysPlayNice, CZ-Prag
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                     SPA MPP CELLULARIUM

                                                                                     IN PRAGUE

                                                                                     Right angles are rare in nature and only exist by chance.
                                                                                     In the Prague Cellularium practice of natural medicine
                                                                                     that Formafatal has designed, one also looks for them
                                                                                     in vain. Already in the layout of the enveloping building
                                                                                     structure of Main Point Pankrác by DAM.architekti one
                                                                                     does not find an orthogonal system. The result is an at-
                                                                                     mospheric cosmos with a soft design vocabulary.

                                                                                     W     ith a restricted budget and a sensitive choice of materials, the de-
                                                                                           signers around Dagmar Stepánová performed magic for a centre
                                                                                     of healing and regeneration. The healing methods based on natural me-
                                                                                     dicine represent the conviction that the human body – stimulated by es-
                                                                                     sences and forces from nature – is capable of healing itself. As a conse-
                                                                                     quence, besides the medical treatment rooms, the reception, changing-
                                                                                     and sanitary areas, the spatial programme is composed of zones for spe-
                                                                                     cial treatment procedures. Like all the room functions, the Finnish
                                                                                     sauna, the so-called cryosauna (a therapy using cold for treating the
                                                                                     whole body, developed in Japan) and the zone for airflow therapy have
                                                                                     been positioned in the space as amorphous or round constructions. The
                                                                                     patients are thus not confronted with any corners and able to concen-
                                                                                     trate on the healing process. The harmonious spatial structure is reinfor-
                                                                                     ced by evident stimulation through light. All the three therapy rooms are
                                                                                     bordered by vertical rods of coloured acrylic glass. The doctor’s room
                                                                                     and the reception are enveloped by a dark, gradually inclining vertical
                                                                                     structure of steel lamellas that refers to the exterior building envelope by
                                                                                     DAM.architekti since the building envelope is likewise characterized by
                                                                                     vertical lamellas of aluminium. With simple means and minimalist co-
                                                                                     louring, the team of designers has produced an atmosphere of concen-
                                                                                     tration and calm. Even the concrete supports running diagonally through
                                                                                     the space and established in the basic construction of the building are
                                                                                     cleverly integrated in the concept. Some may perceive them as gigantic
                                                                                     trunks of a tropical forest. Thus, the rather subdued range of colours to-
                                                                                     gether with the “sky” of suspended pieces of oak wood also increases
                                                                                     the feeling of moving through a steamy rain forest. The mirrors of the
                                                                                     changing rooms have a concave perforated metal sheet at the back and
                                                                                     are back-lit so that an attractive play of shadow and light is produced.
                                                                                     The Gregg series of luminaires by the designers Ludovica and Roberto
                                                                                     Palomba also fits harmoniously into the overall structure in a way as if
                                                                                     it had been part of the design process from the start. Rooms have an ef-
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  fect on the soul and the body – in these rooms, healing is possible.

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