Page 87 - AIT1119_E-Paper
P. 87

Entwurf • Design LIAG Architekten
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Vorstand Prinzessin-Máxima-Center
                                                                                        Standort • Location Heidelberglaan 25, NL-Utrecht
                                                                                                                                          Foto: Hannah Anthonysz
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 44.833 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Ronald Tilleman, NL-Rotterdam
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 142

                                                                                        PRINCESS MÁXIMA

                                                                                        CENTER IN UTRECHT

                                                                                        Children suffering from cancer usually have a social
                                                                                        and emotional development deficit due to their long
                                                                                        hospital stays. This explains why, in addition to cancer
                                                                                        treatment, great care is taken to promote the age-ap-
                                                                                        propriate development of children. LIAG architects
                                                                                        participates in an initiative of TU Delft to research en-
                                                                                        vironments that promote healing and development.

                                                                                        T   he scientific supervision and evaluation of a therapy process is
                                                                                            particularly important when treating children suffering from can-
                                                                                        cer, as the disease occurs less frequently and in the most varied forms
                                                                                        among adolescents. The Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Onco-
                                                                                        logy in Utrecht, Netherlands combines care and research and, with its
                                                                                        unique concept and an area of 45,000 square metres, is the largest
                                                                                        paediatric cancer treatment centre in Europe. The aim of the centre is
                                                                                        to treat and cure children with cancer while maintaining an optimal
                                                                                        quality of life for them. For this purpose, the research results on he-
                Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               aling environments of doctors, psychiatrists and engineers as well as
                                                                                        the cooperation of architects, parents and patients in the sense of an
                                                                                        evidence-based design (EBD) were incorporated into the planning. De-
                                                                                        velopment-oriented nursing care formed the basis for the design. The
                                                                                        interiors are bright and decorated in warm colours and materials such
                                                                                        as wood. The main path through the building is also a meeting place
                                                                                        for children, parents, doctors, nurses and researchers. The ingenious
                                                                                        networking of functions promotes adherence to the "one-minute rule",
                                                                                        which is intended to make it possible to reach all of the hospital's ser-
                                                                                        vices within a maximum of one minute's walking distance from the
                                                                                        patient's room. These rooms were developed in cooperation with the
                                                                                        research-based architectural office kopvol as parent-child rooms,
                                                                                        which can be separated or connected as required by means of a sli-
                                  sp                                                    ding door. There are also shared kitchens, classrooms and age-appro-
                                                                                        priate games and reading rooms. However, it is not only the transition
                                                                              sp        between research and care or inside and outside areas that is smooth
                                                                                        – the Princess Máxima Centre is also linked to the Wilhelmina Chil-
                                                                                        dren's Hospital via a connecting bridge. The colourful skywalk mean-
                                                                                        ders at the height of the second floor and creates valuable connecti-
                                                                                        ons between operating theatres, nursing departments and laborato-
                                                                                        ries. The architects successfully met the challenge of developing a
                                                                                        child-friendly but not too excessively cluttered design concept. It is a
                Grundriss 2. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +2                         building that radiates optimism.

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