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I  ris Dullin-Grund, who was born in 1933 in Berlin, was not only of the most influ-  roof wings grouped around an interior courtyard, and a 56-meter-high tower, which
                  ential architects in Communist East Germany, she was also a well-known person
                                                                              in common parlance was known as the “Neubrandenburg culture finger”. Clad with
                who also attracted interest in West German journals. Having gained her high school  curtain facades, the steel skeleton structure offered space for all manner of leisure
                leaver’s certificate, from 1952-7 she studied Architecture at the Weissensee Academy  time activities across its 16 stories. Alongside the the 90-meter-high spire of the 13th
                of Art in Berlin. Her most important tutor was Selman Selmanagic, who had trained  century Marienkirche, it dominated the town center as a symbol of the modern era.
                under Mies van der Rohe at the Bauhaus in Dessau. On graduation in 1957 she wor-  With a layout featuring a theater, concert hall, cafés, libraries, cloakrooms and club
                ked in the studio of East Berlin’s former head architect, Hermann Henselmann. In  rooms etc. that would satisfy diverse needs, the House of Culture and Education was
                1959, she moved for a few months to Ernst May’s studio in Hamburg, but that same  intended to be not just a place for the “enjoyment of culture”, to which everyone had
                year, true to her political convictions, she moved back to Communist East Germany.  access, but also for individual “creative cultural activity”.  The intention was also “to
                Even at the beginning of Dullin-Grund’s career, which was exceptional despite the  give architectural form” to the socialist idea of “providing all people with access to
                gender relations under the Communist regime, her name was associated with respon-  the entire wealth of culture and “offering all people the possibility of education”.
                sible roles in famous construction projects: In 1959, she was named winner of the  Reconstruction of downtown Neubrandenburg, much of which had been destroyed in
                competition for the House of Culture and Education in Neu brandenburg, which was  World War II, had begun as early as 1952. With the master plan Dullin-Grund drew
                actually built between  1963 and  1965;  in 1961, she  was Depart mental Head of  up in 1970 a second stage began, which resulted in the town’s population doubling
                Neubrandenburg Housing Construction Combine; between 1968 and 1970 Head  by 1990. The sports and event venue in Lychen (1995), a dwelling and workplace in
                Architect for the Neubrandenburg Housing Construction Combine (her second hus-  Alt-Stralau,  Berlin  (1998)  and  the  conversion  of  a  former  agricultural  production
                band, Gerhard Grund,  was Director of the same); from 1970 to 1990, she  was  cooperative at Domäne Neu Garz in the Lake Park in Müritz into a hotel (1999) are
                Municipal Architect in Neubrandenburg with a legally independent studio. It was the  recent projects. Between 1999 and 2008, she ran a second studio on the Côte d’Azur.
                highest position a female architect could reach in Communist East Germany, and only  Today, Iris Dullin-Grund lives and works in Glienicke near Berlin.
                three women ever did so. Up until then, no women had ever reached the correspon-
                ding position of Head of Municipal Planning in West Germany. While in office Dullin-
                Grund drew up numerous plans for new housing development and inner-city refur-  Die Autorin des Beitrages Petra Lohmann hat Philosophie, Psychologie und Kunstge -
                bishment zones in Neubran denburg, including the reconstruction in line with the  schichte studiert. Ihre Promotion erfolgte im Fach Philosophie, ihre Habilitation im
                heritage specifications and the partial conversion of St. John’s Franciscan monastery.   Fach Architektur. Seit 2013 ist sie Professorin für das Fach Architekturtheorie. Aktuell
                                                                              vertritt sie die Professur für Architekturgeschichte an der Universität Siegen.
                Municipal Architect of Neubrandenburg
                                                                                                             Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Heraus geber und des
                The House of Culture and Education and her innovative master plan for                        Ernst Wasmuth Verlages wur den der gekürzte Textbeitrag
                Neubrandenburg were treated as showcase projects; both earned her wide recogniti-            und die Abbildungen entnommen aus:
                on well beyond the borders of Communist East Germany.  Not only numerous articles
                in journals, but also prestigious architecture prizes such as the Schinkel Medal on
                two occasions (1976 and 1981) and in 1977 the National Architecture Prize in
                Communist East Germany attest to this. In addition to her practical work, she was
                also active academically: from 1965-7 she held interior design teaching assignments          Frau Architekt. Seit mehr als 100 Jahren: Frauen im
                at the Technical University in Dresden; in 1968, she became a member of Deutsche             Architekturberuf
                Bauakademie; and in 1969, she was awarded a doctorate. From 1980 onwards, she                Herausgegeben von Mary Pepchinski, Christina Budde, Wolf -
                was one of just two female members on the Scientific Council of the Deutsche                 gang Voigt und Peter Cachola Schmal. Erschienen 2017 im
                Bauakademie. The 13-million mark House of Culture and Education on the market                Verlag Ernst Wasmuth, Tübingen/Berlin. Deutsch/Englisch.
                square in Neubrandenburg was officially opened in 1965 and can be seen as the                316 Seiten. Hardcover. Format: 24,5 x 30,5 cm. 48,00 Euro
                dawn of Modernism in Communist East Germany. The expressive building complex,                ISBN 978-3-80300-829-9 (Buchhandelsausgabe)
                which was erected as a precast concrete skeleton construction, comprises four flat-          ISBN 978-3-80300-828-2 (Museumsausgabe)


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