Page 47 - AIT1118_E-Paper
P. 47

Foto: Lunuganga Trust

                Teatime an einem der präzise geplanten Orte • Teatime in one of the precisely planned places  Lageplan von Lunuganga • Historical site plan of the former Lunuganga plantation
                ped with his favourite furniture. Lunuganga, a former rubber plantation, has only been  Geoffrey Baba's time have long since left the plantation. They were black and white
                used as a country hotel since Bawa's death. Entrance fees, events and overnight stays  because Bawa loved these colours. Otherwise, the Trust does everything it can to make
                are used to finance the preservation of the property, which belongs to the Geoffrey Bawa  it look like Geoffrey Bawa will be back any minute, even his red wheelchair is still park-
                Trust. It covers an area of eight hectares, with a total of twelve buildings, including a gal-  ed in a corner of the originally furnished living room in the main building. And the six
                lery with changing exhibitions and six spacious guest rooms spread over five buildings.  guest rooms are also furnished as consistently as possible with the original, partly anti-
                                                                              que furniture, partly designed by Bawa. Of course, the architect has also worked in his
                ... even his red wheelchair is still parked in a corner       parallel world, the fantastic mixture of English landscape park, Italian Renaissance
                                                                              landscape and tamed jungle served him as an experimental field for his numerous
                It is quiet in this magical world, I seem to be the only guest today, apart from numerous  designs. It is no coincidence that the chicken house looks like a model of the parlia-
                employees who clean the rooms or take care of the plants. Dusty construction workers  mentary buildings built in the 1980s in Kotte. A bell rings! For a moment, I'm sure it's
                are quietly renovating one of the guesthouses. The cows that kept the grass short during  Geoffrey Bawa who's returning ...

                                                                            AUF MASS

                                                                            JETZT NEU


                                                                                             Diese Duschrinne passt
                                                                                             exakt in jede Planung
                                                                                             TECEdrainprofi le ist das  Edelstahl-Duschprofi l der
                                                                                             nächsten Generation – es lässt sich indivi duell
                                                                                             ablängen und fügt sich damit in  jedes Maß ein.
                                                                                             Dieses  Duschprofi l für wand bündige Ver arbeitung
                                                                                             verbindet die Ästhetik der Dusch rinne mit dem
                                                                                               Reinigungskomfort des Punktablaufs.

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