Page 47 - AIT1116_E-Paper
P. 47

                                                                                 von Wolf von Waldow, Berlin

                                                                              Starting point for my art project in the school sports hall designed by

                                                                              Hentschel-Oestreich Architekten in Berlin-Pankow (Kniprodestraße 27)

                                                                              were the large, floor-to-ceiling glass doors, which structure the long

                                                                              corridors of the building. I took up the contours of the doorframes and

                                                                              projected them onto the walls like shades. The result is a play of lines,

                                                                              which breaks up the strong vertical perspective of the architecture.

                                                                              Simultaneously, the shades define image areas, in which symbolic fig-

                                                                              ures were depicted, relating to the topic of school sports and the spe-

                                                                              cial togetherness of the participants. Not only team sports but also

                                                                              many individual exercises can only been carried out with the support

                                                                              of  others.  So  the  figures  in  my  motifs  are  in  a  mutual  relation  of

                                                                              dependence, assistance or balance, whereby it is not always clear
                                                                              who gives assistance to whom. All “shades” were laser-cut from steel,

                                                                              painted with a dark grey varnish and positioned in front of the wall to

                                                                              give them a strong sculptural presence. At the permanently open

                                                                              smoke control doors, where one half of the motif is located behind

                                                                              glass, I did not work with metal, but “only” with the means of paint-

                                                                              ing, with the open door leaf acting as a picture frame.

                                                                                                                    Wolf von Waldow, Berlin

                                                                                                                                          Foto: Rolf Kaliske
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