Page 105 - AIT1022_E-Paper
P. 105

Entwurf • Design Buero Wagner, München
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client privat
                                                                                     Standort • Location München
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 140 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Florian Holzherr, Kim Fohmann
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 166

                                                                                     SILVER-CURTAIN OFFICE

                                                                                     IN MUNICH

                                                                                     The converted office is located in the Munich Au district,
                                                                                     in the rear courtyard of a building from the turn of the
                                                                                     century. Since the available area on the ground floor
                                                                                     was not sufficient, the architects added the basement
                                                                                     rooms below it. They not only achieved the necessary
                                                                                     surface-area expansion but also the increasingly more
                                                                                     important combination of living and working.

                                                                                     I n many places in Europe, the potential of inner-city post-densification
                                                                                       by roof-space utilization and by adding yet another floor has been
                                                                                     used up or it is restricted by the authorities. On the search for alterna-
                                                                                     tives, basements are more and more moving into the focus everywhere.
                                                                                     This was also what happened in the case of the office conversion in Mu-
                                                                                     nich: The architects Fabian Wagner and Louise Daussy from Buero Wag-
                                                                                     ner developed additional space in the basement by connecting it with
                                                                                     the ground floor with a ceiling break-through. The thus resulting open
                                                                                     space with an open staircase connects the levels and lets daylight pe-
                                                                                     netrate downwards. In addition, a window has been enlarged
                                                                                     downwards as well. Across grating, one gets from the residential buil-
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               ding into the converted unit. This direct access as well as the various vi-
                                                                                     sual connections to the newly produced, commercial rooms is desired.
                                                                                     The project was realized during the coronavirus pandemic and was to
                                                                                     make a combination of living and working in one place possible. At first
                                                                                     glance, several silvery shimmering curtains detract from the actual use.
                                                                                     They prevent the view of the kitchen, the storage shelves as well as the
                                                                                     passages to the WC and the box rooms. The curtains are usually an alu-
                                                                                     minium vapour barrier which is used to make the construction of roof
                                                                                     superstructures airtight and prevents moisture damages in the roof sup-
                                                                                     port structure. Here, the reflecting surface contributes to designing the
                                                                                     plain rooms and to making the atmosphere look brighter. The second
                                                                                     layer of the curtains also consists of material used in an innovative way
                                                                                     – as bubble wrap, it usually serves to package breakable objects. Instal-
                                                                                     led in this way, it now offers protection from view and, at the same
                                                                                     time, admits sufficient light inside. The silver look is continued in the
                                                                                     new installations and the pieces of furniture – designed and constructed
                                                                                     of zinc-plated grating. In the context of the office conversion, these ma-
                                                                                     terials have ended up producing an abstract and also a somewhat tem-
                                                                                     porary appearance. An effect which the architects altogether wanted to
                                                                                     achieve – to thus leave the question regarding the appropriation and the
             Grundriss Untergeschoss • Basement floor plan                           completion of their construction project unanswered, as it were.

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