Page 109 - AIT1022_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Studio Alexander Fehre, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Bosch Engineering GmbH, Abstatt
                                                                                     Standort • Location Robert-Bosch-Allee 1, Abstatt
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 4500 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Philip Kottlorz, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 166

                                                                                     BOSCH ENGINEERING

                                                                                     IN ABSTATT

                                                                                     Bosch Engineering GmbH (BEG) founded in 1999 as a sub-
                                                                                     sidiary of Robert Bosch GmbH develops individual mobi-
                                                                                     lity concepts – from quantities of one. Behind this is com-
                                                                                     bined potential as to creativity and knowhow. The custo-
                                                                                     mized spirit is also reflected in the new areas for clients,
                                                                                     employees and the foyer at the Abstatt headquarters
                                                                                     which the Stuttgart Studio Alexander Fehre designed.

             Grundriss Erdgeschoss Gebäude 301 • Ground floor plan building 301
                                                                                     A  t Bosch Engineering, customized solutions regarding the mobility
                                                                                        for streets, railways, race tracks and in the air are generated. In fu-
                                                                                     ture, this dynamism and openness to innovations is to be also notice-
                                                                                     able for the clients in the atmosphere in Abstatt. This is why Studio
                                                                                     Alexander Fehre (SAF) has come up with a common design language
                                                                                     for two buildings dating from different periods. The vocabulary of the
                                                                                     interior design looks young, fresh, relaxed, flexible and shows an affi-
                                                                                     nity not only to design but also to technology. As all-rounders, the newly
                                                                                     used areas provide space for welcoming clients, events, exhibitions,
             Grundriss Obergeschoss Gebäude 301 • Upper floor plan building 301      workshops, training courses, meetings and informal get-togethers. In
                                                                                     contrast to Fehre’s working worlds for Robert Bosch Automotive Stee-
                                                                                     ring in Schwäbisch Gmünd (AIT 4.2018), however, the design scope for
                                                                                     this commission was considerably restricted. Mobile furniture ensures
                                                                                     the requested flexibility. Casual lounge sofas with sunny-yellow colour
                                                                                     accents, poufs and matte-black side tables complement the furniture
                                                                                     specifically designed by SAF, futurist-looking cubes of acrylic glass with
                                                                                     bright orange edges, wooden cubes with mirrored, green-coated surfa-
                                                                                     ces, matte-black high tables and upholstered partitions whose straps
                                                                                     explicitly remind of safety belts. In the 301 old building, all this is in con-
                                                                                     trast with the dark artificial-stone floor and the massive stairs. Depen-
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss Gebäude 204 • Ground floor plan building 204      ding on the viewpoint, flip-flop lacquer makes the stair stringers shim-
                                                                                     mer blue-green. The fixed walls of both buildings also share the design
                                                                                     vocabulary: The pixel-like “camouflage” of the glass wall is inspired by
                                                                                     the covers of car prototypes. Striking perforations which remind of the
                                                                                     patterns of punch cards give all the wood panellings a second layer. In
                                                                                     the newer 204 building stands a long “colossal piece of furniture” of
                                                                                     wood with the similar ornamentation. It serves as a seat grandstand on
                                                                                     the one side and as a café/bar on the other. Cloakrooms, lockers, alco-
                                                                                     ves and the lift are integrated in the side parts. Perforated, back-lit alu-
                                                                                     minium panels make the Labcar Labor look like the setting of a science-
                                                                                     fiction film. The high-tech flair of this training- and simulation room cor-
             Grundriss Obergeschoss Gebäude 204 • Upper floor plan building 204      responds entirely to the activities of Bosch Engineering.

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