Page 155 - AIT1019_E-Paper
P. 155

Entwurf • Design Studio Komo, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client René Rauls und Moritz Köhler
                                                                                        Standort • Location Böheimstr. 87a, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 80 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Philip Kottlorz, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 182

                                                                                        INTERIOR DESIGN OFFICE

                                                                                        IN STUTTGART

                                                                                        Designing an office that does not look like one but
                                                                                        might be a bistro or a shop? If it is one’s own – why
                                                                                        not? For their Studio Komo, Moritz Köhler and René
                                                                                        Rauls were fortunate to choose from among a multi-
                        „Klappen in der Mitte des Tisches bieten                        tude of ideas. And thus they succeeded in implemen-
                  zusätzlichen Stauraum und lassen alles Mögliche                       ting a very special office concept on 80 square metres
                                                                                        of a former backyard locksmith’s shop.
                  schnell verschwinden – NewWork und Clean Desk
                                   gehen gut zusammen.“                                    attice windows, brick walls and an XXXL gate characterize the

                                 René Rauls und Moritz Köhler                           L  ground-floor premises in the urban Stuttgart district of Heslach.
                                                                                        Where, at the end of the 19th century, a blacksmith used to swing
                                                                                        his hammer, after demolition- and gutting work the two young inte-
                                                                                        rior designers created a charming spatial miracle with many good
                                                                                        ideas and specifically designed furniture and installations. On 80
                                                                                        square metres, there is now room for the working- and meeting area
                                                                                        for at least six people, a material laboratory and an open-plan kit-
                                                                                        chen. The sophisticated hub is the large work table: It not only divi-
                1 Eingangsbereich • Entrance                                            des the back part of the studio but also offers various working
                2 Besprechung • Conference                                              heights. Where one goes up to steps to get to the material labora-
                3 Arbeiten • Workbench                                                  tory, one can sit at the table; towards the front and the façade, one
                4 Materiallabor • Materiallab                                           finds the ideal standing height. Several times during the day, the em-
                5 Garderobe/Spiegel • Wardrobe/Mirror                                   ployees are switching workplaces. “It has almost become a sport to
                6 Lager • Storage                                                       wangle someone out of his or her place,” René Rauls adds. Inside
                7 Küche • Kitchen                                                       the table and underneath the platform covered with carpeting, all
                8 WC • Toilet                                                           sorts of technology are concealed and the computers are also stored
                                                                                        there, including the ventilation. Flaps in the centre of the table pro-
                                                                                        vide additional storage space and make all kinds of things quickly
                                                                                        disappear – “new work” and “clean desk” function excellently. The
                                     6                            4                     material lab in the back area is perfectly illuminated by a skylight
                                                                                        for the presentation of design ideas and the wall-mounted boards
                     6                                                                  make collages with samples of material possible. Everything on
                                                                                        them can be quickly rearranged and newly composed. Also especi-
                                                                                        ally popular is the round standing table which is positioned freely
                                                                                        in the room or forms the end of the work bench for talks with
                             7                    2              3               5      clients. And yet another bright idea: A blue mirror at the front side
                     8                                                                  of the studio doubles the interior to an impressive 160 square me-
                                             1                                          tres and if that should not be sufficient, the gate is opened and the
                                                                                        covered former craftsman’s yard serves as an extension – provided
                                                                                        there are summer temperatures. At the opening party in July, this
                Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  worked out optimally!

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