Page 120 - AIT0924_E-Paper
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           Ein Mix aus gleichmäßiger Ausleuchtung und Akzentlicht • A mix of even illumination and accent lighting

           Die Bögen aus beschichtetem Holzwerkstoff verleihen dem Raum Struktur. Sie definieren die unterschiedlichen Zonen. •  The arches made of coated wood material add structure to the room. They define the different zones.

           T   he long-established Buchhandlung am Ahrtor in the centre of the old town of Bad   door made of coated wooden material was segmented into three elements for trans-
               Neuenahr-Ahrweiler was not spared by the flood disaster of 2021 and, located  port and assembly and joined together on site. The new children’s department can
           on the ground floor, was completely destroyed. The shop has existed on this site since   also be entered through a (smaller) arch: all in lime green and with a romantic floral
           1988, but was taken over by the current owner many years ago – including the furniture   wallpaper that extends across the ceiling and walls and turns the room into a realm of
           damaged by the flood. While the historic half-timbered house was being renovated,   its own for young readers, including seating. The furniture cube consists of bookshel-
           the bookshop was able to continue its business in a flat as an interim solution. When   ves and offers enough space for a large selection on just a few square metres. At the
           it came to the actual reconstruction of the interior of the bookshop, an exciting journey   same time, the area is clearly visible to browsing parents and helpful sales assistants.
           into the world of the warm-hearted bookseller began. After an initial inspection of  When the curtain is closed, the archway becomes a stage, for example for an author’s
           the then still disastrous situation on site, the ideas for the small but fine bookshop  reading. Along the shop windows, a relaxed reading bar with pink-coloured bar stools
           began to sprout: It all started with a postcard from one of the owner’s calendars with   invites people to spontaneously browse and watch the passers-by. For an event, the
           a floral motif, which was her colour inspiration, and the idea of incorporating the (Ahr)   bar becomes a buffet and the stools are turned in the other direction to serve as an
           Gate as a space-creating element. All of this was to take place in a small space and   auditorium. Due to the small size of the shop, there was the wish to make the shop
           make optimum use of it, as the shop is divided into two shop units with large display   windows as open and inviting as possible – only selected books are presented here to
           windows (58 and 16 square metres) and a total of just 74 square metres. The aim was   encourage people to visit the shop itself.
           to accommodate all departments, design a children’s area and an inviting checkout
           counter while integrating new lounge areas and good lighting. Creating a stimulating  Functional design of the children’s department
           and barrier-free shopping experience was just as much a requirement as flexible utili-
           zation for events. The result is a large, zoning and identity-forming gesture: the compact  The details of the bookshelves were developed together with the carpenter and offer
           checkout counter and personal consulting form the centre of the shop and are empha-  the practical option of not only adjusting the height of the shelves, but also inserting
           sized by a huge arch that stretches protectively over it. This establishes orientation   them at an angle. This enables a varied presentation and an appealing frontal view of
           along a previously unloved bearer and produces clear zones in the small space. Hidden   the book covers. The panel at the top of the shelves offers additional storage space and
           (storage) space, a consultation area and gift wrapping are also housed here. The large   can be used to label genres and departments in the long term. Modularity and flexibili-

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