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P  op-up stores are currently experiencing a veritable renaissance: more and more brands are leaving
                their traditional spaces and presenting themselves for a limited period of time and space where their
             target group is. The appeal of a brief presence is based on centuries-old mechanisms: travelling merchants
             were already attracting people in the Middle Ages, and temporary events such as the annual Christmas
             markets, as well as the “farmers’ markets” that are still important in America, have a strong appeal today.
             Temporary formats such as pop-ups or roadshows satisfy the desire for something new and surprising – a
             successful mix of adventure and escapism. At the same time, they are magnet for the community. Like-
             minded people meet here and the limited space becomes a place for communication and exchange. Peop-
             le are looking for good experiences and good feelings – wellbeing, positive emotional connections and joy
             are hugely valuable in these times. Brands that can offer all this fulfil a basic need. When Gucci places a
             Gucci Ancora Pop-up Truck on Broadway in New York to celebrate its new colour Ancora and gives away
             coffee and flowers, just for an example, it generates curiosity and attention, generates a response in the
             press and social media – and inspires people. The ephemeral nature of the special offer makes it attractive
             to the target group, while limited editions further strengthen the pull effect and also generate high sales –
             “limitation is the new luxury” – is therefore the motto. The aim is to offer a select audience unique expe-
             riences that take place in an exclusive, private setting. This produces a special atmosphere that creates   Evians „Live Young Mountain of Youth“ Pop-up ... • Evian‘s „Live Young Mountain of Youth“ ...
             intimate and impressive moments. Sales in pop-up stores are a minor matter at best: the primary focus
             here is not on sales figures, but on engagement, experiences and sensory spaces.

             Dynamic storytelling platforms

             Roadshow formats and temporary concepts can not only help to evaluate products in different markets
             and sell limited editions. In particular, they make it possible to underpin long-term market developments
             with hard facts before sustainable investments are made. Regional conditions and the response to pro-
             ducts and brands can be tested in the same way as interior/architectural or experiential elements of the
             brand presence, which can then be incorporated into permanent stores. Pop-ups are also an excellent
             way of presenting the history and heritage of a brand by transforming them into a “shop museum”. The
             temporary concepts create a unique and, above all, dynamic platform to retell and reinterpret (brand)
             stories in an unconventional way. Pop-ups are real playgrounds for creatives, as they can transform the
             spaces into all kinds of manifestations: Whether as a truck or a kiosk, in a factory hall or a container, in
             an empty shop or in a store of a cooperation partner – anything is possible, as long as the brand stages   ... bot in Shanghai eine erfrischende Erfahrung ... • ... pop-up offered in Shanghai ...
             itself where its target group is. Internet pure players, i.e. companies that offer their products and services
             exclusively online, have also long been utilizing the advantages of short-term live appearances: For online
             retailers, pop-ups offer one of the rare opportunities to make physical – and therefore tangible, emotional   ... und ein immersives Erlebnis. • ... a refreshing, and an immersive experience.
             and personal – contact with their target group. As innovative brands often rely on hyper physicality or
             personalization with their pop-ups, the main focus is on conveying joy and enthusiasm. In a survey by
             the international network of advertising, marketing and consulting firms Wunderman Thompson, almost
             twice as many people said that they are more likely to buy from brands that make them feel happy (49
             percent), while 70 percent could not remember the last time they were excited about a brand.

             Pop-ups are no longer just an accessory

             This is all the more true as the customer journey of the new generation of consumers is highly decentrali-
             zed and purchase decisions are made on different platforms. Brands should therefore dare to be different:
             instead of emphasizing the obvious, they should get creative and tell their stories in an extraordinary
             way. They should emphasize emotions by responding to the wishes of the target group and offering
             experiences that have been missing until now. Brands and retailers are not only focussing on a temporary
             presence in order to offer their target group new experiences: They are diversifying their offerings beyond
             the traditional product range or drawing attention to themselves with special promotions. At the same
             time, visual statements are increasingly being used to communicate brand messages and attract attention.
             Brands create unusual and unique experiences with such extraordinary strategies, thereby increasing their
             relevance. They tell stories, involve people and generate new content at the same time thanks to the high
             quality of the experience. This “hyperlocal storytelling” approach means breaking down narratives to a
             very specific, local level. The focus here is on special topics and target groups that are directly linked to
             a specific location or community. Here, particular attention should be paid to the consistency of the core
             message, which harmonizes with both the brand values and current campaigns: The clearer the message,
             the more creatively it can be realized. And reinterpreting the message from different angles also enables
             episodic storytelling with recurring formats that captivate the audience in the long term. The future of
             retail is therefore dynamic, creative, diverse and increasingly physical again. With innovative approaches
             such as pop-up stores, brand diversification and travelling campaigns, new spaces are being used and uni-
             que brand experiences are being generated that go beyond traditional shopping. These strategies make it                  Fotos: Evian / Danone, FR-Paris
             possible to build deeper relationships with customers and hold their own in a highly competitive market.
             Because those who offer good experiences are rewarded with good sales ...

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