Page 103 - AIT0924_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Bogenfeld Architektur, AT-Linz
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Karl Fischer, AT-Hörsching
                                                                                    Standort • Location Niederdorfstraße 3, AT-Hörsching
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 148 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Kurt Hoerbst
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                    THE WEINFISCHER

                                                                                    IN HÖRSCHING

             „Wein braucht in der Präsentation und der Verkostung                   Bordeaux red meets earth-coloured velvet, steel meets
                                                                                    wood, curves meet angular shapes – at first glance, there
                            ein entsprechendes vis-à-vis.“                          seems to be no clearly recognizable design line. But the
                                Karl Fischer, Weinfischer                           result is certainly convincing with due to its consistently
                                                                                    harmonious appearance. In the Weinfischer in Hörsching,
                                                                                    various elements and colours combine to create a unique
                                                                                    tasting room on an area of just under 150 square metres.

                                                                                    T  he truly neologistic word creation is epitomized by Karl Fischer.
                                                                                       The Austrian vinotheque owner and wine merchant supplies his
                                                                                    customers with specially sourced wines of regional and international
                                                                                    origin. The salesroom is just as diverse as is the range of wines. The
                                                                                    venue located an ensemble built around a square courtyard as it is
                                                                                    typical of the region – serving both as the vinotheque and as the home
                                                                                    to the client. Although the Baumgartnerhof may not be a rarity in the
                                                                                    neighbourhood due to its dimensions, it is considered one of the most
                                                                                    beautiful and oldest farms of its kind. Four buildings arranged around
                                                                                    an inner courtyard form the ensemble typography. Light yellow façade
                                                                                    plaster radiates Mediterranean flair, and an inner courtyard partly lined
                                                                                    with arcades with its round arches sets the mood for the main motif
                                                                                    of the room construction: the well-preserved vaulted ribs. An almost
                                                                                    square room, nine cross-vaulted ceilings and four internal columns for
                                                                                    load transfer characterize the existing building, which has been conver-
                                                                                    ted into a wine bar. It made sense to commission the experienced plan-
                                                                                    ning team from Bogenfeld Architektur – they are not only entrusted with
                                                                                    the conversion of farmhouses, but have already proved their talent with
                                                                                    previous projects on the Baumgartnerhof. A large double-leaf wooden
                                                                                    door leads visitors into the multifunctional and open-plan interior. In
                                                                                    the centre: a bespoke Bordeaux-red table at counter height, where peop-
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                 le with a passion for wine come together. Suspended luminaires with
                                                                                    acoustically effective loden fabric set the scene for the red and white
                                                                                    culinary delights. Modular cubes form a wooden counterpart made of
                                                                                    spruce wood: individually, they measure 55 x 55 centimetres – together
                                                                                    they form a tall piece of furniture with an integrated wine rack. Thanks
                                                                                    to the cross vaulting, which is finished with lime smoothing, no walls
                                                                                    are at right angles: The interior and exterior walls, which are framed
                                                                                    by round arches – sometimes plain white, sometimes decorated with
                                                                                    ornamental tiles – are reminiscent of the charm of a classic wine cellar
                                                                                    with a barrel vault. And the big stars of the Weinfischer each have their
             Schnitt • Section                                                      own stage on the arched wall shelf!

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