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Entwurf • Design Cyrus Ghanai, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Kertu Studios, David Pflüger, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Standort • Location Böblinger Straße 25, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 100 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Maks Richter, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 150

                                                                                     KERTU HAIR STUDIO

                                                                                     IN STUTTGART

                                                                                     Combining tradition and zeitgeist without having to com-
                                                                                     promise is a challenge. It means valuing what is old wit-
                                                                                     hout being awestruck and looking for what is new wit-
                                                                                     hout succumbing to a trend. The Stuttgart interior archi-
                                                                                     tect Cyrus Ghanai succeeded in achieving exactly this
                                                                                     feat right in his home town. Cautiously, he brought an
                                                                                     over 40 years old hair salon into the present time.

                                                                                     T   he Klinger hair salon has been established in the late 1970s when
                                                                                         Heinz Klinger took over a former car business in the southern sec-
                                                                                     tion of Stuttgart and had the premises located on the ground floor of a
                                                                                     multi-unit building converted for his own purposes. His architect was the
                                                                                     then still young Heinz Legler who, later on, became a success as a set
                                                                                     designer. He equipped the rooms in the style of the time: cold white light
                                                                                     surrounds the specifically designed styling chairs covered with black le-
                                                                                     ather; in front of the white walls, sharp-edged mirrors rise up and nar-
                                                                                     row glass panes as storage trays rest on shiny stainless-steel legs. Klin-
                                                                                     ger’s hair salon was a small sensation for Stuttgart at the time. Over-
                                                                                     night, the business became a success! To this day, Klinger personally
                                                                                     looks after the regular clientele. Since January 2021, however, he no lon-
                                                                                     ger does this as the boss but as an employee. At the age of more than
                                                                                     70, he has passed the business on to David Pflüger who has learned his
                                                                                     trade at the Stuttgart Friseurakademie which Klinger had co-founded.
                                                                                     The successor has now used the change of ownership and generations
                                                                                     for a make-over of the rooms. That he commissioned Cyrus Ghanai may
                                                                                     well be seen as a stroke of luck. This is because the interior architect has
                                                                                     succeeded in gently bringing the work of his predecessor into the here
                                                                                     and now. From the very beginning, Ghanai was enthusiastic about the
                                                                                     quality of the original interior construction – the upscale stone floor of
                                                                                     Solnhofer slabs and the elegant, custom-made styling chairs. Only the
                                                                                     light caused problems for the interior architect. Together with the lighting
                                                                                     planner Michele Rami, he developed a warm, golden shining light con-
                                                                                     cept which brings the natural colour of the floor slabs into their own.
                                                                                     Coordinated with this, new installations covered with genuine brass la-
                                                                                     minate were constructed and the formerly black chairs were given
                                                                                     cream-coloured coverings. The reception desk, the bar and the new sto-
                                                                                     rage shelves were made of dark terrazzo that emphasizes the noble
                                                                                     touch of the interior. The narrow and high mirrors have been replaced
                                                                                     by oval and circular models designed by Ghanai who has succeeded in
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  producing an entirely harmonious whole with the old-new interior.

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