Page 128 - AIT0922_E-Paper
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            Auch für Veranstaltungen eignet sich das offene Raumkonzept. • The open room concept: suitable for events

            Vom Rasen auf der Rennstrecke zum kreativen Flanieren. • From speeding on the racetrack to creative strolling.  Indoor-Outdoor: Das Studio wird zur Sandlandschaft. • Indoor-outdoor: The studio becomes a sand landscape.

            W     ill you succeed in rethinking an area of 2,000 square metres, in developing  blish contacts and enjoy creative exchange. The spacious room was designed to be
                  a new sales concept and in taking the former film- and photo production to
                                                                          modular so that, with minimum effort and at short notice, large events, fashion
            a new level – and all this in less than four months, including the conversion measu-  shows with a catwalk, exhibitions and product presentations as well as small trade-
            res?” This was the question our clients and friends of Circl – a young start-up for film-  fairs and professional live streaming can be implemented. All the furniture can be
            and photo production – asked us in spring 2021 and, with this, laid the foundation  used for several purposes and has been coordinated as to style.
            stone for one of the largest multifunction studios in Germany: Circl Space. The star-
            ting point of our design is a former industrial warehouse in Ratingen which had al-  The multifaceted multifunctional studio
            ready undergone several transformations. After numerous meetings, inspections and
            creative gatherings, the decision was made to design a space which was to serve as  The backdrops and the scene walls measuring 3.5 by 3 metres can be combined with
            a source of inspiration and a think tank and, at the same time, make the implemen-  the furnishing so that a multitude of sets can be designed and realized. The extensive
            tation of the creative ideas feasible. A venue where the photographers meet major  wall panels can be used to produce a creative lifestyle background or stylish room par-
            brands and companies but where start-ups, influencers and founders can also turn  titions. The substructures of these back walls are wooden frames mounted onto to
            their visions into reality. The idea of an open room concept was quickly born – an  steerable and blockable casters and clad with chipboards. Simple and inexpensive,
            extensive open space measuring about 600 square metres. After the dismantling, the  the backgrounds as well as the different carpets keep up with the times. 711 Rent, b+s
            exposed-concrete floor was repeatedly dry cleaned and polished to remove the re-  exhibitions, Food Explorer and other partners supported us in the implementation of
            mains of the wall connections and to produce a higher level of gloss. For the foun-  the multifunctional areas. The open space produced borders on four studios of diffe-
            ders of Circl, Lino von der Bey and Jonas van Blanken, the open layout is also essen-  rent sizes and – by acting as a buffer zone – allows simultaneous productions while
            tial because they wanted to put an end to the competitive struggle rampant in their  maintaining discretion. The generous setting makes it possible to drive motorcycles
            production sector and to the negative moods they had experienced while working  and even cars into it – back to the roots of the former go-cart tracks – and, due to the
            on various photo- and film sets. The reason being that this in no way contributes to  robust and resistant features of the concrete, the space can without any problems be
            creative, free thinking. And this is exactly what it is all about! Here, work was to be  turned into a sandy desert. Besides the three white-painted studios with concave moul-
            jointly carried out and not against each other. One is to get to know each other, esta-  dings, there is also an original fourth studio, the so-called Black Space. In the past, lar-

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