Page 79 - AIT0920_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Pablo Muñoz Payá, ES-Petrer
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Sedka Novias, ES-Petrer
                                                                                     Standort • Location C/Mirabuenos 11, ES-Petrer
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 1.396 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos David Zarzoso, ES-Xirivella
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                     WEDDING FASHION

                                                                                     IN PETRER

                                                                                     If one believes German private television, wedding-fa-
                                                                                     shion stores may well frequently be places “between
                                                                                     tulle and tears” but they only rarely stand out with
                                                                                     high quality of design. With his concept for Sedka No-
                                                                                     vias in Petrer in Spain, the local architect Pablo Muñoz
                                                                                     Payá has now proved that bridal gowns and wedding
                                                                                     suits can also be sold without kitsch and cliché.

                                                                                     L  ith close to 1,400 square metres of sales area on three levels, Sedka
                                                                                        Novias is one of Spain’s largest wedding-fashion stores. It is located
                                                                                     in a converted commercial hall in the southern district of Petrer, a city
                                                                                     of 35,000 inhabitants situated in the hinterland of Alicante in the sout-
             Grundriss Untergeschoss • Basement floor plan                           heast of the Iberian Peninsula. A motorway feeder road and almost un-
                                                                                     limited parking space right in front of the door may not really turn the
                                                                                     location in the middle of a commercial area into the most romantic spot
                                                                                     on earth – for business, however, it indeed offers the very best conditi-
                                                                                     ons. Up to 20 future brides and grooms – including the, today, in most
                                                          „Geheiratet wird           cases customary large entourage consisting of friends and family mem-
                                                               immer!“               bers – can be looked professionally after at the same time. It goes wit-
                                                                                     hout saying that the corresponding number of changing rooms are avai-
                                                             Lebensmotto             lable. They are distributed across all the levels around the shared, cir-
                                                                                     cular atrium and each have a vestibule equipped with upholstered sea-
                                                         eines Brautmoden-           ting benches for the above-mentioned entourage as well as a spacious
                                                              Verkäufers             changing- and presentation area. The employees in charge are further-
                                                                                     more able to access all the changing rooms directly from the adjacent
                                                                                     preparation areas. Also part of the infrastructure of the store are a tai-
                                                                                     lor’s shop for alterations, a large storage as well as office- and social
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               spaces. All this was planned and realized by the architect Pablo Muñoz
                                                                                     Payá domiciled in Petrer. He approached the existing industrial hall wit-
                                                                                     hout any scruples. It already had a lower level which only had to be
                                                                                     converted and complemented with a delivery ramp, whereas Muñoz
                                                                                     Payá divided the two-storey, open hall space in its height with a newly
                                                                                     added floor. The new façade was constructed of micro-perforated,
                                                                                     white- and golden-anodized corrugated-iron sheets. These give the buil-
                                                                                     ding envelope an almost textile effect – one might say: similar to a bri-
                                                                                     dal gown. The highlight of the conversion, however, was created by the
                                                                                     architect on the inside with a staircase swinging in two wide circles
                                                                                     through the open atrium. With its golden stringers and banisters, it adds
                                                                                     a highly poetic gesture to the space: the image of two intertwined wed-
             Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                               ding rings. And here at the latest, we as well say: Yes, I will!

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