Page 127 - AIT0919_E-Paper
P. 127

terial, size, shape and weight are thus better perceived and stay in one's memory.
                Tactile perception can increase the enthusiasm for a product and make it easier for
                the customer to make a purchase decision. In the ideal case, buying is a sensual ex-
                perience – in the truest sense of the word: all senses are based on the sense of touch.
                Everything that can be touched addresses the right cerebral hemisphere that is re-
                sponsible for emotions. Tomorrow's great chances lie in haptics. It is clearly gaining
                in importance when it comes to shopping – especially in digital times. Senses sell
                more! But what about haptics in times of digitalisation? Although computer techno-
                logy requires human eyes and ears, all other senses remain unused. However, a di-
                rect tactile contact is much stronger than an indirect contact via the mouse pointer.
                The golden rule for shopfitting must therefore be: You have to strengthen the possi-
                bility for tactile experience! It makes a big difference which interface the customer
                uses to come into contact with products and brands and what tactile experiences
                are made. After all, a lot of things happen subconsciously in the field of tactile per-
                ception: We discover the aesthetic value of furnishings and everyday objects by tou-
                ching them, this is also true for the quality of textiles or materials, to name just a
                few examples. Especially the effect of tactile stimuli is intensified through the com-
                bination with visual perception. If both senses work together, this results in better
                perceptual performance. This applies in particular when the eye follows a touch
                with the hand. If, for example, you imagine the rough surface feel of a natural, un-
                                                                                                                                          Fotos: Marina Denisova, IT-Florenz
                treated stone, you will experience both tactile and visual ideas.
                The haptics of today hold the opportunities of tomorrow

                The effect of an experience, the well-being and the sensuality increase, if a pleasant
                scent is additionally underpinned by suitable colours and shapes! When retail ex-
                perts speak in their technical language of "customer experience", the word tends to  Künstliche Palmen, bizarre Kronleuchter und exotische Farben transportieren das Thema des Garten Eden.
                theoretically indicate the handling of the purchase process. However, a customer ex-
                perience is not a dry process, it is the enticement to buy. In recent years, the statio-
                nary retail industry has forgotten how to tempt customers! Furniture no longer has
                the primary task of providing storage space, a seat or a place to sleep, but of deco-
                rating living spaces and representing individual tastes. Fashion no longer has its ori-
                ginal function to keep us warm, but rather to adorn its wearer. In the same way, buy-
                ers look for the experience in a purchase, not the products. Online shopping is fast
                and convenient – but the one thing that is usually missing is the fun factor. By adding
                loving details to the shop furnishings, by offering small surprises or special service,
                the personal sales talk scores points. The integration of digital tools can, however,
                support the "analogue" relationship with the customer. If the customer can order
                goods in virtual shop windows even after closing time, if the digital shopping con-
                sultant in the supermarket shares recipes for the purchased goods or if the bathroom  Die wichtigsten Tipps auf einen Blick
                supplier makes individual offers for matching bathroom accessories, this signals a
                special appreciation to the customer and can radically increase customer loyalty. A  r Bei Onlinekäufen fallen drei von fünf Sinnen weg, es bleibt nur noch das
                travelling flagship store also makes it possible to get in touch with people on site  Sehen und Hören. Deshalb sollten Sie im stationären Handel aus dem Vollen
                and create a shopping experience that is difficult to create online in this form. Here  schöpfen – verkaufen Sie mit allen Sinnen!
                it is possible to charge the stationary touchpoint with an experience that primarily
                has a positive effect on the perception of the brand. Only then does the customer ex-  r Verkaufen lässt sich nur durch Emotionen. Der Verstand ist dazu degradiert,
                perience pay off online.                                        die emotionale Entscheidung mit vermeintlicher Vernunft zu rechtfertigen.
                                                                                Deshalb schaffen Sie ein positives Nutzererlebnis, indem Sie die Emotionen
                The best tool is not techniques, but relationships.             Ihrer Kunden wecken.

                The boundaries between haptics and virtual reality will become more and more  r Verwandeln Sie den rationalen Nutzen in eine emotionale Story! Üben Sie
                blurred in the future, and under the keyword of "augmented reality" the human per-  sich in der Kunst, Funktion in Faszination zu verwandeln!
                ception of reality will be expanded with the help of new technologies. Concepts that
                use digital services to complement the strengths of stationary business are particu-  r Geschichten sind immer dann gut, wenn anstelle von trockenen Fakten
                larly promising. Those who invest in the most important advantage over the online  Inhalts objekte transportiert werden, die sich am bestehenden Erfahrungswis-
                business will survive on the market: high-quality advice and, in this context, a spa-  sen der potenziellen Kunden orientieren. Auf diese Weise weckt eine Ge-
                tially defined shopping experience that goes far beyond mere supply. Due to the di-  schichte die notwendigen Assoziationen und wird lebendig.
                gital change, we have numerous and varied ways of communication at our disposal
                which also facilitate the seller's work in many respects. You can google specialist  r Ein direkter haptischer Kontakt ist viel stärker als ein indirekter über den
                knowledge – but you can’t google good manners! Digitalisation is making many  Mauszeiger. Als Goldene Regel für den Ladenbau muss deshalb gelten: Ver-
                things more impersonal. In the end, what matters is the ability to approach people,  stärken Sie die Möglichkeit zur Haptik!
                understand them and win their sympathy. The space as background and partner of
                the seller plays an important and active role in this.          r Geben Sie dem Kunden im wahrsten Sinne etwas an die Hand!
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