Page 126 - AIT0919_E-Paper
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                                                                             B  rain researchers have discovered that a message that simultaneously reaches
                                                                                our brain via various channels of perception is perceived up to ten times more
                                                                             intensively than information that is composed of the sum of individual sensory im-
                                                                             pressions. Consequently, information gathered in a state of emotional excitement is
                                                                             better memorised. And feelings are particularly intense when all the senses are ad-
                                                                             dressed simultaneously. At the same time, our perceptive faculty is very limited:
                                                                             Every day, more than 30,000 advertising messages pelt down on us, but we only no-
                                                                             tice 52 of them – this equals no more than 0.17 percent. Against this background,
                                                                             how are companies supposed to be able to approach customers in the first place,
                                                                             reach them emotionally and then even persuade them to buy? Especially at a time
                                                                             that is increasingly characterised by digital technologies and devices? Machines are
                                                                             cold. The best emotion the computer can convey is second-hand feelings. A compu-
                                                                             ter can neither laugh out loudly nor cry heartbreakingly. Conveying emotions via the
                                                                             computer – how can this be achieved? How can deep feelings be sent via SMS? Who
                                                                             would go through hell and high water for a machine? Who is encouraged by the ir-
                                                                             resistible smile of the laptop in the morning? Which PC laughs when you tell a good
                                                                             joke? When we are exploring digital worlds, this is comparable to a map: with its
                                                                             help we find a way through the terrain, whereas we do not experience the area itself
                                                                             through the drawing. The advantage of the stationary retail industry over the online
                                                                             world is real emotions and experiences! When purchasing goods online, three out
                                                                             of five senses are neglected, leaving only seeing and hearing. In the stationary retail
                                                                             sector, on the other hand, architects, interior designers and shopfitters can draw on
                                                                             a wealth of experience. The motto is: Sell with all your senses!  Creating fascination
                                                                             – that is the important task in shopfitting today! People have an appetite for stories.
                                                                             A well told story is ideal to illustrate things, to build sympathy and to emotionalize.
                                                                             Therefore, you have to impart information by means of inspiring metaphors and
               Das Ziel von Sara Ricciardi war es, für LuisaViaRoma ein Interieur zu schaffen, das alle Sinne anregt.   captivating stories. Stories are always good when, instead of dry facts, content ob-
                                                                             jects are transported that are based on the existing experience-based knowledge of
                                                                             potential customers. In this way, a story awakens the necessary associations and
                                                                             comes to life. If the story is also expertly enriched and augmented with emotional
               tieren. Mode hat längst nicht mehr die ursprüngliche Aufgabe zu wärmen, sondern  values, the way is paved for the recipients to follow the content and immerse them-
               zu schmücken. Genauso suchen Käufer im Kauf das Erlebnis, nicht die Produkte. On-  selves emotionally in the story. Let your counterpart dream and indulge in memo-
               lineshopping ist schnell und praktisch – doch was normalerweise fehlt, ist der Spaß-  ries! Create a positive user experience by arousing the emotions of your customers.
               faktor. Durch liebevolle Details der Shopeinrichtung, kleine Überraschungen oder  If you want to have an effect, you need emotionality.
               auch durch besonderen Service punktet das persönliche Verkaufsgespräch. Die Ein-
               bindung digitaler Tools kann dabei allerdings das „analoge“ Verhältnis zum Kunden  Intelligent content needs emotional implementation
               unterstützen. Wenn der Kunde auch nach Ladenschluss in virtuellen Schaufenstern
               Ware bestellen kann, wenn der digitale Einkaufsberater im Supermarkt Rezepttipps  It has long been known that emotions arouse certain purchasing stimuli in the brain.
               für die gekaufte Ware verrät oder der Badausstatter individuelle Angebote für pas-  Selling can only be done through emotions. The mind is reduced to justifying the
               sende Badaccessoires macht, zeigt das dem Kunden eine besondere Wertschätzung  emotional decision with supposed reason. Anything that doesn't provide an emo-
               und kann damit die Kundenbindung radikal erhöhen. Ein rollender Flagshipstore er-  tional benefit is discarded as useless. With a core benefit alone, no product or ser-
               laubt es zusätzlich, vor Ort mit Menschen in Berührung zu kommen und das Ein-  vice can assert itself on the market today. The product presentation must therefore
               kaufserlebnis zu schaffen, das sich online in dieser Form nur schwer kreieren lässt.  contribute positive emotions, be fun and invite people to identify with the product.
               Hier ist es möglich, den stationären Touchpoint mit einem Erlebnis aufzuladen, das  The benefits must be presented and communicated – rationally and emotionally and
               sich in erster Linie positiv auf die Wahrnehmung der Marke auswirkt. Erst dann  involving all of the senses. Please note: Articulating a benefit is just as important as
               zahlt sich ein Kundenerlebnis auch online aus.                creating it. Close the gap between rationally motivated shopping and the longing of
                                                                             customers for emotions. In short this means: Transform the rational benefit into an
               Das beste Instrument sind keine Techniken, sondern Beziehungen  emotional story! Only then will it be possible for products and services to be in de-
                                                                             mand not because of their price, but because of their high added value. A bathroom,
               Die Grenzen zwischen Haptik und Virtualität werden zukünftig immer weiter verwi-  for example, is always associated with the element of water: Water in the form of
               schen und unter dem Stichwort „Augmented Reality“ wird die menschliche Realitäts-  rain, water as a clear, powerful gush, water as a wide or strongly pulsating jet. Water
               wahrnehmung mithilfe von neuen Technologien erweitert. Vielversprechend sind vor  is regarded as a source of spiritual power and serves as an energy source. The en-
               allem jene Konzepte, die digitale Angebote nutzen, um die Stärken des stationären Ge-  counter with this element can hardly be more divergent. Or think of a kitchen: From
               schäfts zu ergänzen. Am Markt werden diejenigen bestehen, die auf den wichtigsten  a purely rational point of view, a customer buys a kitchen, that means wall cupbo-
               Vorteil einzahlen, den es gegenüber dem Onlinegeschäft gibt: eine qualitativ hochwer-  ards, an oven and a refrigerator, perhaps a central kitchen unit and a modern gas
               tige Beratung und in diesem Zusammenhang ein auch räumlich gefasstes Einkaufser-  stove. But let's take a closer look: Customers don't just want to buy a kitchen, but
               lebnis, das weit über die reine Versorgung hinausgeht. Aufgrund des digitalen Wandels  the place where people bake and prepare meals with love. A place where their chil-
               stehen uns zahlreiche und vielfältige Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung  dren learn to walk and later on do their homework. They buy a room where they
               und erleichtern auch die Arbeit des Verkäufers in vielerlei Hinsicht. Fachwissen kann  celebrate parties with their family and friends. A place where recipes are refined and
               man googeln – eine gute Kinderstube jedoch nicht! Durch die Digitalisierung wird vie-  where new ones are created. They buy the expression of their personality. For shop
               les unpersönlicher. Am Ende zählt die Fähigkeit, auf Menschen zuzugehen, sie zu ver-  designers and planners, this means: Communicate rational facts in an emotional
               stehen und Sympathien zu gewinnen. Der Raum als Hintergrund und Partner des Ver-  way! Practice the art of turning function into fascination! Your advantage is that
               käufers spielt hier eine wichtige und aktive Rolle.           many customers want to get to know goods by touching and examining them. Ma-

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