Page 123 - AIT0919_E-Paper
P. 123

Entwurf • Design Bergmeisterwolf, IT-Brixen
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Fam. Huber, IT-Neustift/Vahrn
                                                                                        Standort • Location IT-Neustift/Vahrn
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 590 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Gustav Willeit, CH-Zürich
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 150

                                                                                        PACHERHOFER WINERY

                                                                                        IN NEUSTIFT/VAHRN

                        „Altes begegnet Neuem – beides hat Platz,                       To reconcile the historical heritage and the current re-
                                                                                        quirements of the winery of the Huber Family, the archi-
                 ohne dass das eine das andere in den Schatten stellt“                  tects from Bergmeisterwolf built the new production
                                       Winzerfamilie Huber                              plant underground. Here, centuries-old building structu-
                                                                                        res meet contemporary interior design, while above the
                                                                                        turf – similar to an iceberg – only a small but self-confi-
                                                                                        dently fraction of the new building can be seen.

                                                                                        E  German Empire, wine was already being cultivated at the Pa-
                Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan                                  ven before Friedrich Barbarossa became emperor of the Roman-
                                                                                        cherhof. The Huber Family (formerly Pacher) has been operating the
                                                                                        winery in the Eisack Valley near Brixen for more than 800 years. A
                                                                                        testimony to the far-reaching family and winemaking tradition is the
                Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               listed winery dating from the 11th century, which has been continu-
                                                                                        ally extended by new building structures. Today, the family also
                                                                                        runs a hotel business and combines tourism, gastronomy, events,
                                                                                        and winemaking including production and storage facilities on the
                                                                                        grounds. The latest addition to the building complex is the exten-
                                                                                        sion of the vaulted cellar complex built in 1450 by the architects
                                                                                        from Bergmeisterwolf. A new staircase tunnel now leads from the
                                                                                        renovated existing building with its newly fitted out tasting rooms
                                                                                        to an underground production facility, which functions as a hotel
                                                                                        car park above ground. A monolithic tower with bronze plate clad-
                                                                                        ding is a well visible indication of the functional new building. On
                                                                                        the upper floor, the structure, which is sloped to form a truncated
                                                                                        pyramid, provides offices with views of the courtyard and vineyards,
                                                                                        while the ground floor is used as a garage for harvesting machines
                                                                                        and, thanks to the floor opening, as a weather-protected area for
                                                                                        supplying the plant below with harvested crops. A threshold-free
                                                                                        entrance was created for this by means of a sliding door mechanism
                                                                                        that is invisible when closed, which was installed to open a large-
                Grundriss Keller • Basement floor plan                                  format façade segment. When detailing the project, the architects
                                                                                        attached particular importance to an arrangement of the required
                                                                                        areas of use suitable for everyday use both in the basement and in
                                                                                        the new building, as well as to a high-quality interior design which
                                                                                        cultivates an exciting interplay between different spatial volumes
                                                                                        and surface feels as well as natural and artificial light sources. Nu-
                                                                                        merous selected materials are used in their natural appearance and
                                                                                        give the wine cellar as a whole an aesthetic, calm radiance that
                Schnitt • Section                                                       does not require any gimmickry.

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