Page 113 - AIT0919_E-Paper
P. 113

Foto: Robin Kater, Berlin / Courtesy of A/D/O
                                                                                        Entwurf • Design studio karhard, Berlin
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client The KaDeWe Group
                                                                                        Standort • Location Tauentzienstraße 6, Berlin
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 2.000 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Stefan Wolf Lucks, Berlin
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 150

                                                                                        FOOD COURT KADEWE

                                                                                        IN BERLIN

                                                                                        Since the 1920s, “Die Sechste”, i.e. the sixth floor, has
                                                                                        been the location of the delicatessen in the legendary
                                                                                        Berlin KaDeWe which, since 2016, has been renovated
                                                                                        and converted during operation according to the mas-
                                                                                        ter plan by Rem Koolhaas and OMA. studio karhard
                                                                                        designed the QC6 quadrant which now looks bright,
                                                                                        well-structured, clear and upscale.

                                                                                        5  0,000 visitors – during the Christmas season as many as 100,000 –
                                                                                           every day made the internal re-structuring of the outdated luxury
                                                                                        department store necessary.  The concept meets the needs of a hete-
                                                                                        rogeneous clientele and included a subdivision of the building into
                                                                                        four quadrants as well as the replacement of the main entrance. The
                                                                                        furnishing of the quadrants, each oriented towards different streets
                                                                                        with its own entrance, is the responsibility of renowned designers:
                Gesamtgrundriss • Overall floor plan                                    “Berlin Elegance” describes the optical transformation of the sixth
                                                                                        floor designed by studio karhard: Gold, brass, black-fired brick walls
                                                                                        and a terrazzo floor consisting of Berlin river sand quote the heritage
                                                                                        of the beginnings of KaDeWe, link the traditional with the modern and
                                                                                        demonstrate internationality with a local relevance. The, at the time,
                                                                                        revolutionary concept of the democratic strolling between delicates-
                                                                                        sen and restaurants is preserved: Thus the established Kartoffelacker
                                                                                        [potato field] restaurant was given a hearty neighbour with an opulent
                                                                                        cheese stall and an adjacent bar. It was possible to also complement
                                                                                        the concept with the young, trendy Daluma health-food restaurant, a
                                                                                        fruit- and vegetables section with a juice bar opposite it as well as a
                                                                                        section for dairy products. The well-structured look of the floor is the
                                                                                        result of a consistently uniform, high-quality and fresh design of the
                                                                                        restaurant- and delicatessen area: Suspended ceilings and indirect
                                                                                        lighting divide the areas into different zones. In the circulation zones,
                                                                                        one looks at the uncovered ceiling construction which gives the whole
                                                                                        floor an airy industrial character. An extensive wine- and spirits sec-
                                                                                        tion leads the visitor into an adjacent bars area which, for now, is still
                                                                                        a secret dream of the future: One day, two champagne bars, a wine
                                                                                        bar, a grill restaurant and a late-night shop invented by studio karhard
                                                                                        – indispensable in Berlin – are to be uncoupled from the daytime ope-
                                                                                        ration and thus, through the entrance of the C quadrant from Ansba-
                                                                                        cher Strasse, produce a separate, small evening venue on the sixth
                                                                                        floor. Already, studio karhard is working on the design of the QD6
                Grundriss Quadrant C • C quadrant floor plan                            quadrant. Expectations are high!

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