Page 54 - AIT0918_E-Paper
P. 54


               Sportschuhe, Äpfel und das Vedder-Logo setzen rote Akzente in dem weiß gehaltenen Messestand. • Sports shoes, apples and the Vedder logo add red accents to the completely white exhibition stand.

               Spielraum für die eigene Vorstellung der umsetzbaren Material- und Farbauswahl  dually let the theme of invisibility evolve. To express this changing image, I designed
               einer Yacht-Ausstattung. Das bizarr anmutende Design verkörpert somit einen futuri-  a space-defining system of parametric slats. It includes the ceiling, the walls and the
               stisch anmutenden Ausdruck. Lediglich die rote Farbe des  Vedder-Logos  wird als  floor while the parallel arrangement of the white-painted wood reminds a ship’s hull
               Akzent in das Konzept integriert. Aufgegriffen  wird es  zusätzlich durch die roten  construction with frames. Individual vertically aligned and arranged slats are the core
               Adidas-Schuhe der vor Ort präsenten Mitarbeiter und die ansprechend ausgelegten  of the exhibition stand due to an opulently projecting organic design: a dynamic, stre-
               roten Äpfeln auf der Theke. Ich durfte die Umsetzung meines Konzeptes in der aus-  amlined counter in the form of a yacht. Depending on the viewer’s perspective, this
               führenden Schreinerei, den anschließenden Aufbau sowie den Auftritt  vor Ort in  visible area is noticed in different ways due to its complex forms.
               Monaco hautnah miterleben. Gleichsam wurde ich ein Teil des Teams der Vedder
               GmbH. Das gemeinsame Projekt hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht und der Erfolg des  Undreamt-of possibilities thanks to light and shadow
               Auftritts, der sich an vielen positiven Kommentaren zu dem diesjährigen Auftritt der
               Vedder GmbH auf der MYS 2017 messen ließ, erfreut mich dabei natürlich zusätzlich.  Looking at the organic wall slats from the side, it cannot yet be perceived whether
                                                                             these have a deeper meaning. Only by steadily walking past does a pattern slowly
               W     hat does an exhibition stand look like that contributes to encourage commu-  become visible which finally manifests itself as the Vedder logo when it is seen from
                                                                             the front – composed by the flowing forms of the slats on the back wall in combina-
                     nication and attracting potential clients? What can this construction do to
               make an impression at an emotional level despite the limited space allocated to it?  tion with the counter that is positioned in front of it. Due to the even illumination of
               How can the unique selling point of a German quality company in the luxury segment  individual slats and the gaps in-between them as well as to the flowing transition of
               with an artisanal approach be clearly represented? After I concentrated for the first  the light strips on the ceiling and the floor, the three-dimensional effect of the stand
               time on the issue of designing exhibition stands as part of this project and thoroughly  is increased. The resulting interplay of light and shadow thus creates an impressive
               familiarized  myself  with  the  matter,  I  became  aware  that,  above  all,  the  intense  atmosphere in the room. Glass as the material is used in different variations here.
               dealing with the project partner, his demands and wishes regarding the future exhi-  Thanks to its reflection, a glass pane aligned with the counter surface produces a kind
               bition representation is of prime importance. With the exception of a supporting fra-  of vastness which lets the viewers immerse themselves into a world of “undreamt-of
               mework, there were hardly any limits to creativity as regards the design. After four  possibilities”. Due to its slight clouding, on the other hand, frosted glass towards the
               busy months, my female fellow students and I were able to present exciting concepts  adjacent consultation room makes existing objects slowly disappear or only guess-
               and concrete designs. The varied approaches that were taken as well as completely  work. This represents the world of invisibility in a concrete way. The predominantly
               unexpected ideas surprised not only Vedder GmbH, so that choosing a winning design  minimalist colourfuless of the materials used allow the viewers plenty of imagination
               was not made easy for the project partner. In the end, I was able to convince the deci-  and scope for their own ideas about the materials and colours to be selected for fur-
               sion-makers with my design “Zwischen Sichtbarkeit und Unsichtbarkeit” [Between  nishing a yacht of their dreams. The bizarre-looking design is thus based on a futu-
               visibility and invisibility] – a change of perspective of a special kind.   rist-seeming appearance. Only the colour red of the Vedder logo is integrated into the
                                                                             concept for adding an accent. It is furthermore taken up in the red Adidas sports
               Alternating between two worlds                                shoes of the employees present on site and the appealing red apples offered on the
                                                                             counter. I was allowed to experience up close the implementation of my concept in
               I want to tell a story with my exhibition stand by using my design to represent the  the joinery commissioned, the assembly as  well as the presentation on site in
               changing image of two manifestations: the visible and the invisible world. The visible  Monaco prior and during the exhibition. I became, so to speak, a part of the team of
               world becomes a theme through the presence of the yacht and the luxurious world of  Vedder GmbH. The joint project was a lot of fun for me and the success of the pre-
               its owner. It serves, as it were, as the prestige object and is constructed by the sur-  sentation which could be measured by the numerous positive comments which were
               rounding space with the tangible, robust objects. Complementing translucent, semi-  received regarding this year’s stand of Vedder GmbH at the Monaco Yacht Show 2017
               transparent materials as well as the incomplete fronts of the surrounding objects gra-  was, of course, an additional pleasure for me.

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