Page 51 - AIT0918_E-Paper
P. 51

M    rs Zalenga, you studied architecture but work as a self-portrait- and portrait  ered suitable locations. You have to look for your small corners and wait for good
                                                                              lighting atmospheres. It could also happen to be a backyard or a children’s play-
                     artist. Please explain to us what you are doing and how it came about.
                I love architecture! In a museum, I often don’t see any of the works of art because I  ground. I often also discover new places to photograph when I wasn't even looking.
                have to admire the building. When travelling by car, I’m better at being a passenger  For instance, if the train runs past a large coal heap or if I am in the forest with the
                because I look at attractive architecture. When it comes to architecture, I’m a con-  dog and discover a clearing with an attractive lighting atmosphere.
                sumer. I marvel at it, analyse it, enjoy it, but I never had the feeling that the active
                role of an architect would be right for me. I could certainly have become a moderately  r Many viewers ask themselves how your photographs come about. Which are
                good, moderately happy architect, but I’m downright passionate about photography.  your most important work tools? How much “pure photography” or, respectively,
                Already while studying, during free days – or rather hours – I photographed, found  how much technology and digital processing or Photoshop is there in  your
                inspirations in the social networks, networked with people and achieved first success  images?
                with photography. That is why going freelance four years ago was not a step into com-  This actually varies a lot. I increasingly notice that the most important tools are my
                plete uncertainty. Yet the day when I allowed myself to be an independent photo  eyes and, of course, what my mind makes of the impressions. It goes without saying
                artist was one of my best and most exciting ones. Photography gives me incredible  that my camera is always also a part of the process. Image editing always takes up a
                freedom. Never before did I have a medium for expressing myself so directly and  very large part whenever it wouldn’t be possible to implement an idea in reality – or
                without any restrictions.                                     only with very major expenditure, also regarding finances.

                r You are an autodidact, didn’t train as a photographer and never studied photog-  r You are one of the “digital natives”. Thanks to the Internet, you found an ideal
                raphy. Is photography a profession as well as a vocation for you?  platform for spreading your photos. Would your artistic career have been possi-
                Definitely! And perhaps even more of a vocation. It was never planned like this but  ble without Flickr, Facebook, Instagram and so on?
                rather happened because it felt right. My life has become photography. My eyes are  In no way! I owe so much to the Internet. At the very beginning, I uploaded my first
                scanners, my surroundings – every face, every place, every lighting atmosphere, every  photographic walking attempts to Flickr and found not only incredible inspirations
                story – I even think in photographs. And I love it! What could be more beautiful than  there but also people  who, today, are my international “photo family”.  We have
                seeing an idea for an aesthetic photo even in an enormous rubbish heap and maybe  already met in cottages we rented in various places in the world after, in the begin-
                even the possibility of communicating a critical message with it into the bargain?  ning, only knowing each other from the Internet. An incredible solidarity evolved.
                                                                              Joint photo projects, close friendships and an internal support network – where, for
                r For you, nature plays a decisive role as the sets for your self-portraits. How do  example, we all pool funds if a camera has been nicked. Thanks to the many follow-
                you discover these places and how much is travelling part of your job?  ers who follow my works and share them, I’m also fortunate because more and more
                I do in fact choose my travel destinations depending on whether they suit my style of  people and potential clients take notice of my photographs. This is a chance I would
                photographs. But even in all the places that I couldn’t choose, I so far always discov-  never have had without the Internet.



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