Page 46 - AIT0918_E-Paper
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                                                                             ble to avoid its demolition at the last minute. Together with the remaining buil-
                                                                             dings, the complete ensemble has been under preservation order since 2004.
                                                                             Revitalization is planned.  The recently re-opened Arne Jacobsen foyer in
                                                                             Herrenhäuser Gärten in Hanover could be a model. The construction of the nearby
                                                                             sea-water wave pool (2) followed in 1972. The “bathing temple” also stands on a
                                                                             platform and is the architectural highlight of the facility. It is completely glazed. The
                                                                             support structure was placed on the outside. The sloped roof appears to float above
                                                                             the pool. The building develops its full strength from inside. The low south façade
                                                                             frames the view of the sea. Through the twice as high north façade, there is a view
                                                                             of the Glambeck castle ruins exposed in 1908 and the sky. Everything looks free,
                                                                             slightly filigree. The façade and the firmament are reflected on the ceiling. There is
                                                                             light everywhere. Since 2008, a nearby new building has replaced the therapeutic
               Abbildung: Stadtarchiv Fehmarn                                architectural office, with a spa, sauna and water slide does not quite correspond to
                                                                             centre (3). The directly adjacent FehMare designed by the Hamburg geising + böker
                                                                             Arne Jacobsen’s programmatic idea of putting the experience into the focus of the
                                                                             spa. As to its architecture, however, the new building falls far behind the earlier

                                                                             and the sea. The view stops at the dune. With the exception of the water slide, not-
               Werbeprospekt-Bilder aus den Ferienbungalows • Advertising-brochure pictures of the holiday bungalows  constructions. The ceiling seems to crush the bathers. There is no trace of the sky
                                                                             hing here is light and airy.
                                                                             Maintenance and further development of the seaside resort

                                                                             Seen from the land, the Fernblickhäuser (4) resemble grain silos, monolithic and
                                                                             with a strong vertical emphasis in the manner of Jacobsen. All the rooms are ori-
                                                                             ented towards the sea, nine of them on each floor. The wall in the south is comple-
                                                                             tely dissolved. The layouts are almost unchanged. Apart from the door handles,
                                                                             nothing original. A special detail: the movable slat balustrades of the balconies.
                                                                             They can be manually turned depending on the sun position and the wish for pri-
                                                                             vacy. An effect which gives a lively exterior to the façade as well. The winter garden
                                                                             on the ground floor, the so-called Vitarium, was only added in the 1980s. Originally,
                                                                             there had just been two trapezoid pavilions with sun terraces between the towers
                                                                             (5). For Jacobsen and Weitling, it was important that people could stroll between
                                                                             the buildings. Today, the massive base looks like a barrier. Only the simple Vitamar
               Foto: Hendrik Bohle                                           apartment building (7), east of the hotel towers, was conserved as a stand-alone
                                                                             construction. To this day, the architects’ idea of walking through the facility and of

                                                                             with three- (8) to five-storey apartment buildings (9) are repeatedly incised. Here
               Bungalows, dahinter 3- und 5-geschossige Apartmenthäuser • Bungalows, 3- and 5-storey buildings behind  the visual axes can be noticed on the holiday facility in the west. The curved wings
                                                                             as  well, the architects followed the basic concept of clear lines and staggered
                                                                             heights. Arne Jacobsen’s resort on the Baltic Sea is a unique testimony of the sea
                                                                             bath architecture of the post-war modern age. As such, it should be maintained and
                                                                             further developed in a contemporary way and according to Jacobsen’s ideas so that
                                                                             future generations as well will be able to experience the salt, the air and the time-
                                                                             less elegance of the facility.

               Das Haus des Gastes ist innen wie außen in einem beklagenswerten Zustand. Eine Revitalisierung ist aktuell in Planung. • The Haus des Gastes is in a poor condition inside and outside. Revitalization is currently being planned.

               Fotos: Jan Dimog                                                                                                          Foto: Hendrik Bohle

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