Page 89 - AIT0720_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Colombo and Serboli, ES-Barcelona
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Familie Klinker, US-Coronado
                                                                                     Standort • Location El Born, ES-Barcelona
                                                                                     Wohnfläche • Floor space 75 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Roberto Ruiz, ES-Barcelona
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                     KLINKER APARTMENT

                                                                                     IN BARCELONA

                                                                                     It was to be a tailor-made holiday residence in the old
                                                                                     home town, but a fire destroyed the work of interior
                                                                                     designer Marta Klinker. For the second attempt, she
                                                                                     hired the architects Colombo and Serboli, who were
                                                                                     able to counter the low budget with a lot of experi-
                                                                                     ence and many good ideas. The result is a domicile
                                                                                     that lives up to the clients's family name, Klinker.

                                                                                     M    arta Klinker comes from Barcelona and has been living and
                                                                                          working as an interior designer in Coronado, California, since
                                                                                     2013. During one of her vacations in her home city, she discovered an
                                                                                     apartment in need of renovation in the trendy district of El Born in a
                                                                                     charming Art Noveau building and decided to set up a holiday resi-
                                                                                     dence for herself, her husband and their two small children. Projects
                                                                                     by the architectural office CaSA were her inspiration for the interior
                                                                                     design of the 75-square-metre apartment. Architects Matteo Colombo
                                                                                     and Andrea Serboli—partners in both business and life—had also con-
                                                                                     verted a holiday apartment in El Born in 2017 (see AIT 3.2019). One
                                                                                     day before the family was to move into the new domicile, disaster
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  struck: an explosion in the building triggered a fire that destroyed the
                                                                                     newly renovated apartment and left it in an uninhabitable state. Fru-
                                                                                     strated, the family allowed a year to pass by before, from California,
                                                                                     commissioning CaSA to renovate and reinterpret the interiors. Saving
                                                                                     costs was the order of the day, so the floor plan resulting from the first
                                                                                     renovation was left unchanged and it was decided to create accentua-
                                                                                     tions using colour. In order to give special prominence to the centre
                                                                                     of the apartment, the kitchen area, the architects contrasted it with
                                                                                     the rest of the rooms by means of a colour block that extends across
                                                                                     the entire floor plan. Cement screed in a rich terracotta shade stret-
                      Längsschnitt • Longitudinal section                            ches across the walls, floor and ceiling and evokes associations with
                                                                                     a clinker façade—an allusion to the owners' family names. The remai-
                                                                                     ning rooms were each painted in softer shades but only halfway up.
                                                                                     The thus created visual horizon makes the interiors appear wider and
                                                                                     the white upper half appears brighter. In the living and entrance area,
                                                                                     a sandy shade envelops the colour block and creates a connection
                                                                                     between the different areas. In the bedrooms, a light mint green crea-
                                                                                     tes a pleasantly cool atmosphere. The historic Art Noveau stucco ele-
                                                                                     ments of the ceilings had to be refurbished and, in some places, com-
                                                                                     pletely renewed. In order to emphasize these decorative elements, the
             Querschnitte • Transversal sections                                     ceilings are also set off from the walls in various vibrant colours.

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