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                B  ased in Munich, Gerdy Troost served as Adolf Hitler’s design collaborator and artistic  that took place annually at the Haus der Deutschen Kunst, and that alternated with the
                                                                             fine arts shows. Additionally, Troost served on the artistic advisory board of Bavaria
                   advisor from 1930 to 1945. Although she did not hold an official post within the
               National Socialist regime, her influence in artistic affairs was widely acknowledged at the  Filmkunst and purchased art for Hitler’s intended museum in Linz. In 1938, in collabo-
               time. Troost, who did not train formally as a designer, claimed to have been influenced  ration with Kurt Trampler, she published the first volume of Das Bauen im neuen Reich,
               by her father, Johannes Andresen, an interior decorator and owner of a cabinetry compa-  an influential architectural survey that shaped public perceptions of the new architecture
               ny in Bremen, and to have learnt at the side of her husband, the architect Paul Ludwig  under Hitler’s regime.  It also reinforced Paul Troost’s foundational role in the evolution
               Troost (1878–1934). She described their marriage as an artistic partnership. Gerhardine  of National Socialist architecture, reflecting Gerdy Troost’s determination to maintain her
               (Gerdy) Andresen met Paul Troost in 1923 in her father’s atelier, Deutsche Holzkunst -  husband’s primacy over Speer. The book sold tens of thousands of copies and went
               werkstätten, which was then producing Troost’s interior designs for the North Germany  through multiple editions. She published a second volume, largely dedicated to the archi-
               Lloyd Sierra steamships. Andresen worked with her father in an unknown capacity after  tecture of war, in 1943. A third volume, on National Socialist interior design and furnis-
               having completed her education at the age of sixteen at a higher girls’ school in Düssel -  hings, was planned but never completed. Gerdy Troost’s official and residential interiors
               dorf. In 1924, she moved to Munich — where Paul Troost lived — ostensibly to study archi-  were published widely during the Third Reich, both within and beyond Germany. The
               tecture and art history. She did not enroll in the university, for which she (like many other  Berghof, Hitler’s expansive retreat on the Obersalzberg, served as an influential stage set
               women at the time) did not have the necessary qualifications, but instead audited courses  for the regime’s efforts in the mid-1930s to remake the Führer’s image as a man of taste
               and took drawing lessons. On August 5, 1925, the twenty-one-year-old Gerdy married Paul  and culture. The remodeled home was the site of many high-profile diplomatic visits.
               Troost, and from this period dated her collaboration with him, first on his ship interiors  Troost’s impact on the elite material culture of the regime extended to objects, both cere-
               and later on his National Socialist commissions. The couple travelled widely on study  monial and utilitarian. Hitler asked her to design official gifts, including the silver frames
               trips, including in 1926 to the United States, where they toured hotels and housing deve-  for his signed portraits that he ordered by the hundreds. Her designs for his silverware
               lopments in Atlantic City, Buffalo, Chicago, Niagara Falls, Philadelphia, and Washington  and china were displayed at the 1938 architectural and applied arts exhibition at the
               D.C., the Ford factory in Detroit, and ships at anchor in New York Harbor.   Haus der Deutschen Kunst. During the war Troost dedicated herself to the creation of cer-
                                                                             tificates and presentation folders and boxes for Third Reich military and civilian awards.
               She expressed her lack of sympathy for Hitler’s nationalist politics  Troost received numerous honours before 1945, including the title of professor and the
                                                                             rare Golden Honour Badge of the Nazi Party, as well as large monetary gifts from Hitler.
               In 1930, with his North German Lloyd contracts at an end and the Great Depression offe-  In her postwar trial, which extended over several years, the badge and money were seen
               ring little hope of further work, Paul Troost welcomed the overtures of a new patron, who  as evidence of her standing within and use to the regime. Unlike many other artists,
               promised to raise his career to unimagined heights. His wife initially expressed her lack  Troost did not disavow her faith in the Führer. She did, however, claim ignorance of
               of sympathy for Hitler’s nationalist politics, but was soon won over by his vision of the  German crimes, even as she submitted evidence in her defense that she had helped
               cultural renewal of German art—and the centrality of her husband therein. She would  Jewish colleagues. Although Troost was charged as a ‘major offender’, she was finally
               remain an ardent supporter her entire life. Hitler entrusted Paul Troost with giving archi-  convicted in 1950 as a ‘lesser offender’. By 1951 she had resumed working as an interior
               tectural form to National Socialist ideals and, especially after 1933, inundated him with  decorator and, despite her tarnished political reputation, remained active throughout the
               large-scale projects. Gerdy Troost was present at all working meetings between her hus-  1950s with projects in West Germany and the Middle East, including hotels, corporate
               band and Hitler. In 1933, she met for the first time alone with Hitler to view and discuss  offices, and industrial buildings. She continued to work on residential projects into her
               her husband’s design for the Odeonsplatz memorial to the Nazis killed in the 1923 Beer  mid-seventies. Her papers are held by the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek in Munich and the
               Hall Putsch. Hitler and Gerdy Troost had thus already established a working relationship  Library of Congress in Washington, DC.
               when Paul Troost died suddenly in 1934. In his memoirs, Albert Speer claimed that Hitler,
               panicking over the fate of his unfinished projects, considered taking over the firm himself.
               However, it was the young widow, then only twenty-nine, who assumed responsibility for  Die Autorin des Beitrages Despina Stratigakos ist Architekturhistorikerin und Professorin
               completing Paul Troost’s National Socialist commissions, which would set the standard  im Fachbereich Architektur an der Universität Buffalo, N. Y. Ihre Veröffentlichungen unter-
               for the regime’s new architecture. She had the full support of Hitler, who insisted that she  suchen die Schnittmengen von Architektur und Macht. „Where are the Women Archi -
               was the only one capable of carrying on her husband’s work because she was so closely  tects?“ (2016) setzt sich mit den Herausforderungen auseinander, denen Frauen im
               intertwined with it. Following her husband’s death, Troost established the Atelier Troost  Architek tenberuf begegnen. „Hitler at Home“ (2015) untersucht die architektonische und
               together with Leonhard Gall (1884–1952), Paul Troost’s forty-nine-year-old studio assistant.  ideologische Konstruktion der „Häuslichkeit“ Hitlers. „A Womens’s Berlin: Building the
               Gall became studio head and employed his architectural and technical skills on building  Modern City“ (2008) spürt der Geschichte der vergessenen weiblichen Metropole nach –
               sites and at the drafting board. Troost assumed the role of office manager, but also took  2009 mit dem ADDA Buchpreis ausgezeichnet.
               on a greater role in the firm’s interior design projects. She described her responsibilities
               as choosing colors and materials, consulting with Gall on furniture designs, arranging  Mit freundlicher Genehmigung der Herausgeber und des Ernst Wasmuth Verlages
               rooms, and decorating them with tapestries and artwork. Yet her role was by no means  wurden der gekürzte Textbeitrag und die Abbildungen entnommen aus:
               ‘merely’ decorative. Troost set the tone for designs, the standards for workmanship, and
               retained final authority over aesthetic decisions.Among other projects, Troost and Gall
               completed Paul Troost’s Haus der Deutschen Kunst (1932–27), as well as the Führerbau         Frau Architekt
               (Hitler’s office and headquarters, 1931–37) and the Nazi Party Administration Building
               (1931–37) on the Königsplatz, all in Munich. Gerdy Troost claimed principal design credit    Seit mehr als 100 Jahren:
               for the renovated interiors of the old Reichskanzlei in Berlin (1933–34), Hitler’s Munich    Frauen im Architekturberuf
               apartment (1935) and Berghof residence on the Obersalz berg (1935–36), and the Prinz Carl
               Palais (1937) in Munich. Her style blended modern and traditional elements. The Prinz Carl
               Palais renovation reveals Troost’s awareness of contemporary European design trends in       Frau Architekt
               its emphasis on horizontal lines, indirect lighting, rich colors, and sensuous materials.    Herausgeber: Mary Pepchinski, Christina Budde, Wolfgang
               Hitler valued Gerdy Troost’s artistic judgment and appointed her — the only woman — to       Voigt, Peter Cachola Schmal – Deutsches Architekturmuseum,
               the jury of the annual Große Deutsche Kunstaus stel lung held at the Haus der Deutschen      Frankfurt/Main. Erschienen 2017 im Ernst Wasmuth Verlag,
               Kunst, which served to define the regime’s new artistic directions. Troost and Hitler clas-  Tübingen, Berlin. Deutsch/Englisch. 113 Seiten. Hardcover.
               hed over the inclusion of modernist art at the inaugural 1937 exhibition, which she sup-     Format: 24,5 x 30,5 cm. 48 Euro
               ported and he refused. Troost resigned her position, but was reinstated for subsequent       ISBN 978 3 8030 0829 9 (Buchhandelsausgabe)
               shows. Troost also served on the juries of the architectural and applied arts exhibitions    ISBN 978 3 8030 0828 2 (Museumsausgabe)

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