Page 103 - AIT0624_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Senoner Tammerle, IT-Kastelruth
                                                                                    Bauherr • Client Familie Perathoner, IT-Seis
                                                                                    Standort • Location IT-Rosengarten/Dolomiten
                                                                                    Nutzfläche • Floor space 890 m 2
                                                                                    Fotos • Photos Lukas Schaller, AT-Wien
                                                                                    Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                    SANTNERPASS REFUGE

                                                                                    IN THE DOLOMITES

                                                                                    The new Santnerpass refuge is located at an altitude of
                                                                                    2734 metres. Mountain lovers who are not afraid to climb
                                                                                    to this altitude will be rewarded with spectacular views,
                                                                                    warm hospitality, an ambitious cuisine and cosy beds in
                                                                                    a self-assured architectural highlight. Senoner Tammer-
                                                                                    le Architekten successfully continued the history of the
                                                                                    mountain hut that had been constructed in 1956.

                                                                                    T   ransport weight, good insulating properties, the possibility of
                                                                                        prefabrication and the ecological aspect are the answers to the
                                                                                    question of which material is best suited for the construction of a new
                                                                                    refuge in a high mountain region. Considering the extreme wind- and
                                                                                    snow conditions prevailing on the Santnerpass, Senoner Tammerle
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Grundriss Untergeschoss • Basement floor plan  designed two roof areas supporting each other and made of triangular,
                                                                                    highly insulated timber frames reinforced with solid wooden panel
                                                                                    elements. The economical dimensions of the building, with weather
             1  Windfang • Vestibule                  10 Winterlager • Winter camp
             2  Gastraum • Dining area                11  Personalzimmer • Staff room  protection made of galvanized sheet steel and an incised terrace in
             3  Büro • Office                         12 Privatbereich • Private space
             4  Terrasse • Patio                      13 Werkstatt • Workshop       an exposed position on the Laurin Wall, which slopes steeply to the
             5  Sanitäranlage • Restroom              14 Technik/Wäscherei • Technical/laundry room
             6  Küche • Kitchen                       15 Schuh- und Trockenraum • Shoe/drying room  west towards the Tierser Valley, give the four-storey refuge an archaic-
             7  Lager • Storage                       16 Waschraum • Lavatory
             8  Bergstation Materialseilbahn • Goods cable lift  17 Schlafkojen • Bunk room  futuristic geometry. Via a ramp, visitors reach the light-flooded, mono-
             9  Aggregatraum • Aggregate room         18 Schlaflager • Dormitory    chrome dining room designed with natural wooden surfaces and loca-
                                                                                    ted on the ground floor. Its panoramic glazing with a sun terrace in
                                                                                    front of it offers an uninterrupted view of the Dolomites. With prior
                                                                                    booking, around 40 people can find a compact place to sleep in the
                                                                                    double- and multi-bed rooms on the two upper floors, which are uni-
                                                                                    formly designed in spruce with larch flooring. The architects used the
                                                                                    second upper floor under the roof top for multi-bed rooms of diffe-
                                                                                    rent sizes that can be combined in the centre of the building: in four
                                                                                    rooms, each with open sleeping berths, half-height walls create a cosy
                                                                                    atmosphere and the necessary degree of privacy for a maximum of 19
                                                                                    people. Two passageways – each with a bathroom and stairs – allow
                                                                                    up to six guests to come and go independently and avoid unnecessary
                                                                                    disturbance for early or late sleepers in neighbouring rooms. Twelve
                                                                                    lockable twin rooms are located on the first upper floor with a buil-
                                                                                    ding-deep, sunny yellow washroom and sanitary room on the gable
                                                                                    end. In addition to the supply cable car, technical and ancillary rooms,
                                                                                    the basement is reserved for the operators and staff. Lukas Tammerle
                                                                                    summarizes the energy concept as “passive solar energy plus body
                                                                                    heat”. A South Tyrolean four-course meal is included in the catering!
             Schnitt • Section                                                      The season starts on 15  June – let’s go!
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