Page 105 - AIT0622_E-Paper
P. 105

Entwurf • Design Herzog, Kassel + Partner, Karlsruhe
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Tawa Yama GmbH, Karlsruhe
                                                                                     Standort • Location Amalienbadstraße 41b, Karlsruhe
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 800 m  2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Swen Carlin, Heidelberg
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 150

                                                                                     TAWA YAMA

                                                                                     IN KARLSRUHE

                                                                                     The Tawa Yama in Karlsruhe not only combines Asian cui-
                                                                                     sine with Western European culinary arts but also two
                                                                                     restaurants: the urban Easy Restaurant offering lunch and
                                                                                     bar service and the Fine Restaurant, which has currently
                                                                                     been awarded a Michelin star and is chic, cool and cosy.
                                                                                     A neutral tunnel stages the transition between the two
                                                                                     gastronomic worlds resulting in a perfect Asian fusion.

                                                                                     F  rant at any time of the day or night and for any occasion! For the
                                                                                         ans of Asian food culture are welcome at the Tawa Yama restau-
                                                                                     employees working in the surrounding offices, the Easy restaurant of-
                                                                                     fers lunch, and in the evenings, an urban, spacious restaurant is being
                                                                                     created here. In order to avoid an austere hall atmosphere, but without
                                                                                     losing the spaciousness and the views, the team from Karlsruhe-based
                                                                                     architecture firm Herzog, Kassel und Partner used space-defining ele-
                                                                                     ments to create pleasantly manageable areas and a casually casual loft
                                                                                     atmosphere. To achieve this, the ventilation and electrical installations
                                                                                     remained visible on the raw ceiling, and the use of natural and honest
                                                                                     materials – such as concrete, exposed screed, wood, expanded metal,
                                                                                     tiles, leather and fabric – as well as green indoor jungle islands provide
                                                                                     a counterpoint to the technical architecture of the nearby office buil-
                                                                                     dings. The deliberate avoidance of strong colour contrasts directs the
                                                                                     focus to the aesthetic food presentation; the only eye-catchers are stri-
                                       „Der Tunnel verbindet die                     king neon signs. In the evening, these create an atmospheric lighting
                                    zwei Welten: Easy und Fine.“                     ambience and emphasise the transition to the bar. If you want to dine
                                                                                     at star level, you have to pass through the “tunnel”: the staged transi-
                                       Herzog, Kassel und Partner                    tion from the public, noisy area of Easy Dining leads through a grey-
                                                                                     tiled corridor into the private, exclusive and quiet area – into the Fine
                                                                                     Restaurant. In this completely separate area, the design concept focu-
                                                                                     ses on chic, coolness and cosiness. Here, too, the clean interior design
                                                                                     relies on distinguished, high-quality material contrasts. Velvet, green
                                                                                     marble, fabric wallpaper and a luxurious carpet give the elongated
                                                                                     room a flattering look and feel and create a subdued, almost festive at-
                                                                                     mosphere – in keeping with the high-quality culinary offerings. A cop-
                                                                                     per lighting structure on the ceiling bathes the room in atmospheric
                                                                                     light; the adjacent Chef’s Table and Secret Bar can be added as needed
                                                                                     by mobile wall elements for various occasions. A textile mesh structure
                                                                                     at the windows blocks out disturbing external influences from the sur-
                                                                                     rounding office buildings and directs the view to the green inner cour-
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  tyard – a successful, atmospheric fusion between Asia and design.

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