Page 83 - AIT0621_E-Paper
P. 83

Entwurf • Design Bermüller + Niemeyer, Nürnberg
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Invesco Asset Management
                                                                                     Standort • Location Dr.-Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 1, Nürnberg
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 1.000 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Simeon Johnke Fotografie, Nürnberg
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                     FUJI YAMA RESTAURANT

                                                                                     IN NUREMBERG

                         „Wie ein einziger Atemzug fließt die                        The edges of the room dissolve dramatically – the guests
                          Komposition harmonisch und lässt                           of the Nuremberg Fuji Yama sushi restaurant feel as if
                                                                                     they are in a cave. Instead of losing themselves in detai-
                       gleichzeitig Platz für Interpretationen.“                     led furnishing, the architects of Bermüller + Niemeyer
                                                                                     thought bigger. Much bigger! This boldness certainly paid
                            Irene Maier, BDIA-Vizepräsidentin                        off: The jury of the “Die schönsten Bars und Restaurants
                                                                                     2021” competition awarded the Fuji Yama first place.
                     Jurorin „Schönste Restaurants und Bars 2021“

                                                                                     A   n immense number of wood- and felt lamellae are assembled to
                                                                                         produce a warm, flowing room sculpture; they grow from the floor
                                                                                     to form seating islands, offer visual protection or are hanging from the
                                                                                     ceiling like stalactites in a natural cave. In every nook and every corner,
                                                                                     the form changes again and again and thus offers the viewer ever new
                                                                                     perspectives. The unique sculpture consists of more than 2,400 indivi-
                                                                                     dually CNC-milled lamellae. Incredibly precise digital planning and lots
                                                                                     of manual skills were required to succeed in transferring the structure
                                                                                     from the computer into the real space. It is not for nothing that the plan-
                                                                                     ning office from Nuremberg has the word “workshop” in its name – the
                                                                                     Bermüller Niemeyer Architekturwerkstatt established a parametric 3D-
                                                                                     model which planned the separation into three to five elements per fin
                                                                                     to then be composed later by the carpenters on site. Hand in hand with
                                                                                     the carpenters and the CNC experts, in the course of several construc-
                                                                                     tion phases a walk-through sculpture was produced out of the initial
                                                                                     puzzle. This was also a challenge for the experienced co-operators from
                                                                                     the numerous trades! The extent to which this challenge was worth it is
                                                                                     shown by the finished restaurant. The sculpture looks like cast into an
                                                                                     empty shell in which the guests stroll, take a seat and enjoy Japanese
                                                                                     food. The composition of glued spruce-wood panels and felt now ensu-
                                                                                     res pleasant acoustics at each of the 130 seats. Thanks to upcycling pro-
                                                                                     cesses, the felt lamellae consist of PET bottles and, due to humidity-re-
             Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  gulating characteristics, additionally contribute to the well-balanced cli-
                                                                                     mate of the restaurant. More intimate, dim zones have been placed at
                                                                                     the back of the guest rooms whereas the bistro area – open and convi-
                                                                                     vial – makes a view of the city possible. The choice of materials in the
                                                                                     style of Japanese architecture: Natural materials and subdued colours
                                                                                     are used yet newly interpreted in the process without running the dan-
                                                                                     ger of losing themselves in a stereotypical imagery. The overall concept
                                                                                     is complemented with the lighting concept – pendant- and LED luminai-
                                                                                     res located between the lamellae produce an atmospheric shadow play
             Schnitt • Section                                                       for the guests who enjoy dining here during the darker evening hours.

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