Page 79 - AIT0621_E-Paper
P. 79

Entwurf • Design Child Studio, GB-London
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Humble Pizza, GB-London
                                                                                     Standort • Location 342 King’s Road, GB-London
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 85 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Child Studio, GB-London
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134

                                                                                     HUMBLE PIZZA

                                                                                     IN LONDON

                                                                                     Plant-based nutrition is enjoying great popularity — a sus-
                                                                                     tainable trend that provides the basis for Humble Pizzeria
                                                                                     on London’s King’s Road. The small, powder pink restau-
                                                                                     rant serves dishes that do not involve animal suffering.
                                                                                     The designers from Child Studio started their design pro-
                                                                                     cess by eating a Humble pizza. Humbleness does not
                                                                                     have to go hand in hand with abstinence — stay humble!
                          „Humble is a fantasy about King’s
                           Road of the time when the street                            n the nineteen-sixties and early seventies, King’s Road in the Bri-

                          was buzzing with hippies, punks                            I  tish capital was a central venue of the hippie and punk culture.
                                    and fashion kids.“                               The road was home to the first fashion boutique of Vivienne West-
                                                                                     wood and Malcolm McLaren, and the well-known Chelsea Drugstore
                                 Alexy Kos und Che Huang                             — a three-storey building complex with record shops, restaurants,
                                                                                     snack bars, small clothing shops, a pharmacy and bars — was also
                                      von Child Studio                               located there. Meanwhile, King’s Road is less rebellious, yet no less
                                                                                     trend- and culture-conscious. It is synonymous with alternative fa-
                                                                                     shion, music and pop culture. This is just the right environment for
                                                                                     Humble Pizza, a pizza restaurant passionately following the trend of
                                                                                     a vegan diet. Alexy Kos and Che Huang from London-based Child Stu-
                                                                                     dio began their design process during an extensive conversation with
                                                                                     the Humble clients about plant-based meals, of course including a
                                                                                     tasting session, in order to develop an idea of how to firmly weave
                                                                                     the restaurant’s philosophy into the interior design and make the cui-
                                                                                     sine more accessible to a wider public. From the outside, the pizzeria
                                                                                     attracts attention with its colour scheme of bright Millennial pink.
                                                                                     Like a pink thread, the colourfulness extends into the interior, where
                                                                                     complementary green highlights have been added. The materiality is
                                                                                     inspired by British mid-century modern movement and is reminis-
                                                                                     cent of the Formica cafés that first appeared in London’s West End in
                                                                                     the nineteen-fifties. These small coffee bars were often run by fami-
                                                                                     lies who had immigrated from Italy. Formica laminate was used on
                                                                                     walls, floors and fixtures. Child Studio adopted the laminate aesthe-
                                                                                     tic for the humble pizzeria. This design concept results in an atmo-
                                                                                     sphere that does justice to the context of the King’s Road, brings it
                                                                                     adequately  into  the  our  present  day  without  appearing  old-fa-
                                                                                     shioned, and blends naturally into the whole neighbourhood. It was
                                                                                     a deliberate intention that the pizza restaurant should convey the fee-
                                                                                     ling of a film set, capable of telling the narrative of a past in which
                                                                                     Mick Jagger is roaming the Chelsea Drugstore and Vivienne West-
             Isometrie • Isometric                                                   wood is designing new clothes.

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