Page 47 - AIT0621_E-Paper
P. 47

Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
             auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
             in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an ihrem
             ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

             Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific theme
             in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture in Aachen
             and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint motion picture “Oi!
             Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

             W     ell, what was that like? You were hungry, thirsty or quite simply felt like going  dangerous, forbidden and yet, something right all the same. And that is what they had
                   out, meeting people, laughing, talking, flirting, yes, smoking as well, definitely
                                                                           done, since only half a life after the hazy-smoky old gents´ meal with dumplings and
             like enjoying. You put on “something nice”, set out, outside, often into the alleys of a  cucumber salad, roast pork and schnapps from cut glass, did I learn: They all had,
             “pub district”, you looked where “a lot” was going on (the more people, the better, ac-  when young people, fought against the Nazis in the underground by risking their lives.
             tually), you sat down, observed neither a minimal distance nor were you thinking of  And survived it. Do you still remember? The dinner with Robert Redford, high up in
             KN98 masks, simply ordered face-to-face from the restaurant chef, barkeeper, pub  the mountains of Utah? A reception in his private ski lodge, the dining room as large
             owner, yes, you suddenly found yourself talking with the congenial group at the next  as a Swiss hotel lobby. We the guests had been asked in writing to wear “mountain
             table, raised your glass to them, talked with the new acquaintances, joked, tried food  look”. What might that be? Mountain look …) I bought a woollen sweater with an elk
             from others´ plates, drank from the same (!) glass, switched to first names, hugged  pattern. The star gave a witty address in front of a monumental, ablaze fireplace re-
             each other and so on and so forth … Editor-in-chief Petra Stephan had warned me, hu-  minding of the film set for Citizen Kane. How does he stand this heat? Even at our table
             morously, as it is her way: “The topic of the next AIT issue, hotel-bar-restaurant …al-  (at a safe distance), the heat made the guests sweating rivulets into their elk-, stag-,
             most seems bizarre in view of the current circumstances …“ Yes, it seems to have been  dear-motif sweaters. Robert will soon go up in flames, I thought. But Hollywood actors
             longer than a year … Do you remember the time when one simply went to a restaurant,  are tough. He smiled casually, welcomed the guest, me as well, asked where I came
              took a hotel room, stayed out late boozing in a pub? Regardless of tests, vaccinations,  from: “Germany”. He nodded. “Hummus-Hummus?” What did he say? What did he
              case numbers, critical values, the risk of exposure,                                 want to hear? And then again, now it sounded like
             without fear, without a guilty conscience, without                                    “Hommo-Hommo?” Then it was released, like an
             virologists … “Do you still remember….?” I said it to                                 avalanche in the mountains (to keep with the alpine
             my brother who was sitting next to the phone trying                                   imagery) a cascade of thoughts. His wife, I had read
             to get a date for his Covid vaccination, begging for                                  somewhere, was originally from Hamburg, so he
             an appointment. He had missed it, I said it again,                                    had been on visits there probably meant “Hummel!
             but this time to myself. Do you still remember? I                                     Hummel!” The greeting of the Hamburg natives!
             said as if stretching out my hands towards it, as if                                  And I shouted, loud: “Mors! Mors!” Thereupon Mr
             towards the flames of a bonfire, comfortably feeling                                  Redford laughed and my life was saved. Do you still
             the warmth in the ever-colder body. Do you still re-                                  remember? The semi state banquet? Great expecta-
             member? The feast in Beaune, the medieval little                                      tions:  regarding  the  architecture,  the  food,  the
             town in Burgundy in France? The mayor invited to                                      guests. In the state council building. Formerly the
             the Onzièmes Rencontres cinématographiques de                                         Reichsbank, now the foreign ministry. And the fo-
             Beaune: the trip there on a special train, a brand-                                   reign minister had invited. To dinner (lobster ther-
             new TGV, just for us 20 guests. In the evening, in                                    midor) with creative artists. In one of the halls desi-
             the former poorhouse of the city, in the Hôtel-Dieu                                   gned by Hans Kollhoff. Mirrors, cherrywood, cream-
             which had become magnificent in the course of                                         coloured calf leather. And above it all a touch of Ver-
             many centuries due to donations. A French feast:  Foto: Benjamin Reding               sailles. The air-conditioner was also working solidly,
             Jambon persillé au Bourgogne Aligoté, then Coq au                                     everyone was cold. The talk with the deliberately in-
             vin  cuisiné  à  l´ancienne,  then  Tarte  fondante  à                                terested- looking minister was slow in gaining mo-
             l´ananas rôti or Lait de riz glacé and, of course, the                                mentum. What should one talk about? Peace talks
             Sélection des fromages régionaux, to go with it a Beaune Champs Pimonts 1er Cru,  in the Middle East? Failed-state tendencies in Libya? The nuclear programme of North
              1996, served in a chapel, beneath the masterpiece by Rogier van der Weyden, the win-  Korea? Maybe the minister noticed it, maybe he just simply wanted to be funny, in one
             ged altar The Last Judgement. Christ sitting enthroned, the resurrected rising naked  of the lulls – one heard the listless scraping of the knives and forks in the strangely over-
             from the graves, and the damned with their faces distorted by fear, just an arm´s length  boiled, lukewarm menu – he said we should not wonder about the temperature, the
              away. The municipal leaders had had the protective bullet-proof glass removed on the  meal for us artists had indeed only been leftovers of the geopolitically important ban-
              occasion of the feast. And, while cutting my Coq au vin, I was thinking: What if the  quet with the Japanese foreign minister in the morning. And do you still remember? The
             grease were now splashing in the direction of the Last Judgement? But the mayor good-  ravenous hunger potato in the forest? For it doesn´t take anything more. A summer´s
             humouredly raised his glass to me and I drank, to calm down, copiously of the 1er Cru  day, a clearing, a small bonfire and potatoes in silver foil on top of it. And real hunger
             and was suddenly able, no doubt also a miracle, to converse far easier in French than  to go with it. The journeymen who taken to the road were singing their songs, relishing
             ever before. Do you still remember? The banquet with the old men connected by a se-  in turning the silver ovals in the embers. They had taken us along on one of their tours.
             cret? Witnessed as a child, brought along by the parents. A decrepit house at the edge  Now the beer was passed around and the feet were hurting and they watched us gree-
             of town, an afternoon by the light of incandescent lamps. All of them no longer agile,  dily wolfing down the potatoes and they were pleased. All of us, all together. “Yes, this
             thin-skinned old gentlemen, puffing on cigars and dressed in baggy suits which had  I remember…” my brother sighed, “…. And a summer, cool in the morning and sunny,
             long become too big, but then suddenly while eating, smoking and abundantly drin-  hot and calm at noon, warm in the evening and soft, a caressing wind, the scent of the
             king, acting cheerful, much younger, almost high-spirited. They smiled at each other,  forest floor, of meadows, of the bonfire and the potatoes eaten with our hands, nobody
             like with a wink, quickly exchanged, as if they had jointly done something daredevil,  can forbid this. Not even corona”, and off he went to buy potatoes.

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