Page 40 - AIT0621_E-Paper
P. 40


            Bunte Lichteffekte im Farben-Aktionsraum. • Colourful light effects in the activity room of colours.  Das Außenbecken dient der taktilen Reflexion. • The outside pool serves as a tactile reflection.

            I  n the conversion of the Philippus Church in Lörick near Düsseldorf in North-Rhine  in a separated zone of the building. The visual types of reflection are made the topic
                                                                          in the former parish hall. A room of mirrors and a room of colours are the activity
              Westphalia, which had been designed by the Düsseldorf architect Hans Jung-
            hanns and dedicated in 1964, into an adventure pool for the senses, reflections with  rooms, a large swimming- and relaxation pool is the reflection zone. Tactile types of
            all their many facets are being addressed. These reflections are turned into experi-  reflection can be consciously perceived in the outdoor area. The water basin with a
            ences mentally as well as physically for the visitors coming to the bath. The theme  whirlpool and a rain shower in the old church tower reflects the activity room. The
            of reflection is staged based on the materials selected, the sequence of the rooms,  counterpart to this is the outside pool with recliner benches, water jets and showers.
            arrangement of the rooms and the room geometry with the structure seen as a stage.  Acoustic types of reflection can be experienced in the church nave. Two separate
            Above all people in search of contemplation and inner harmony are thus addressed.  water basins represent the activity rooms due to special sound experiences and echo
            The visitors – arriving predominantly on their own or in pairs – are to pass through  sounds. A large floating basin with sitting steps and a relaxing basin on the gallery
            the bathing ritual and experience it and feel it very deliberately. For this purpose,  compose the reflection area. Acoustic sounds are provided by the already existing
            three different experience sections are available which each focus on one type of re-  church organ in the reflection room which can also be used for concert events so-
            flection: visual, tactile and acoustic. This is expressed as light-, wave- and sound re-  metimes organized right in the bath. The experience areas are separated from each
            flection and can be experienced in our adventure bath in combination with water.    other by a neutral zone.
            Understanding reflections as conscious reactions               Interplay of active and resting zones

            It can generally be said that a reflection is a reflected act and thus can only take  In  this  area,  the  senses  are  only  slightly  engaged  by  a  deliberately  minimalist
            place in combination with a previous act. One follows from the other and is what  language of forms and materials. For changing between the experience zones, this
            the mind in the end processes. In the adventure world, this act takes place in activity  area always has to be crossed and therefore functions as a neutralization zone for
            rooms. This is where the respective senses are stimulated in an extreme way. To  the senses. For the secondary rooms, the access areas and the changing- as well as
            make it possible to consciously perceive and reflect what has been experienced, the  the sanitary area are positioned close to each other on the northwest side of the buil-
            corresponding reflection sections have been carefully and with much thought desi-  ding. The choice of materials is oriented on the existing building and combines just
            gned where the respective senses are only slightly engaged. This is where the visitor  a few additional materials. Red brick, concrete and steel are here the basis for the
            is invited to find rest and calm down after the extreme experiences, to refocus on his  design of the experience areas. These are deliberately minimalist to assist the sen-
            or her own body, to concentrate and to relax. This interplay of the extreme activities  sory perception of the different areas and to guide the bathers in their perception. In
            and the associated calm reflections is a constantly ongoing process and can be pas-  the neutral zone, steel, concrete and white-plastered surfaces are used to emphasize
            sed through any number of times. The three types of reflection are each referred to  the overall concept.

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