Page 129 - AIT0619_E-Paper
P. 129

Entwurf • Design Cyrus Ghanai, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Bauherr • Client Kaiser und Schmarrn GmbH, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Standort • Location Brennerstr. 23, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Nutzfläche • Floor space 135 m 2
                                                                                        Fotos • Photos Maks Richter, Stuttgart
                                                                                        Mehr Infos auf Seite • More infos on page 174

                                                                                        KAISER UND SCHMARRN

                                                                                        TAVERN IN STUTTGART

                          „Fünfundzwanzig Jahre lang waren die                          In a quaint inner-city district of Stuttgart, the new res-
                                                                                        taurant called “Kaiser und Schmarrn” is a modern Aus-
                    historischen Wandvertäfelungen verschwunden.                        trian inn. Stuttgart-based interior designer Cyrus Gha-
                     Wir haben sie wieder freigelegt, restauriert und                   nai combined historical wall panelling and furniture
                                                                                        taken over from the predecessor, a Greek tavern, to-
                          an den beschädigten Stellen erneuert.“                        gether with contemporary elements to create an atmo-
                                                                                        spherically dense and harmonious ensemble.
                                           Cyrus Ghanai

                                                                                        T  he Bohnenviertel is one of Stuttgart's liveliest and most lovable
                                                                                           inner-city districts. Along narrow, low-traffic streets and small,
                                                                                        green squares, historical townhouses and carefully filled gaps cau-
                                                                                        sed by Second World War form an ensemble that is uniquely intact
                                                                                        compared to local standards. The ground floor areas accommodate
                                                                                        antique shops, small craft workshops, and artist's studios, as well as
                                                                                        numerous cafés, wine taverns, and restaurants. For more than 25
                                                                                        years, the Greek tavern called Odyssia belonged to the institutions
                                                                                        of the Bohnenviertel. Last year, however, the innkeeper retired and
                                                                                        closed his popular restaurant. Since then, the Wilhelminian-style
                                                                                        house dating from 1899 has been home to the new restaurant Kaiser
                                                                                        and Schmarrn. The inn specialises in Austrian cuisine and delica-
                                                                                        cies. The restaurateurs Marcel Jetter and Sebastian Gaiser serve
                                                                                        prime boiled beef, Wiener Schnitzel and the eponymous cooked des-
                                                                                        sert “Kaiserschmarrn” and preferably recommend Green Veltliner
                                                                                        from the Weinviertel or Blue Zweigelt from Lake Neusiedl as corre-
                                                                                        sponding wines. Stuttgart-based interior designer Cyrus Ghanai pro-
                                                                                        vided the perfect architectural framework. He freed the guest room
                                                                                        from all fixtures added over the last decades and uncovered the ori-
                                                                                        ginal wall panelling. It was restored and, where necessary, comple-
                                                                                        ted and then painted in a warm, subdued shade of green. Ghanai
                                                                                        had the benches and chairs newly upholstered and covered with a
                                                                                        matching fabric. The table frames were also taken over from the pre-
                                                                                        decessor restaurant; the old Resopal table tops, however, were re-
                                                                                        placed by new tops made of solid wood. Only two round tables and
                                                                                        the polished brass counter with a shelf are new and were developed
                                                                                        by the interior designer. The vestibule and new shell chairs at two
                                                                                        selected dining tables add highlights in pink. The new toilet facilities
                                                                                        are an additional design highlight. Coloured tiles, pink for ladies,
                                                                                        blue for gents, as well as decorative wallpapers selected with a twin-
                                                                                        kle in the eye make even a visit to the smallest room in the Kaiser
                Grundriss • Floor plan                                                  and Schmarrn a memorable experience.

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