Page 33 - AIT0523_E-Paper
P. 33

05, Serie „Poesie des Funktionalen“
                                                                             von • by Swen Bernitz


                                                                           The Bauhaus buildings in Dessau? We are convinced that we all

                                                                           know them! – Or do we, really? The photographer Swen Bernitz

                                                                           now shows us a new, artistically alienated view of them in a con-

                                                                           ceptual image project. In it, he translates his black-and-white

                                                                           photographs of the famous buildings into the representational

                                                                           techniques of the Bauhäusler themselves. Thus, the Punkt und

                                                                           Linie zu Fläche sub-series (see left) shows the buildings of the

                                                                           Dessau school in the abstract, geometric style of Wassily Kandin-

                                                                           sky (1866–1944), making direct reference to the illustration exam-

                                                                           ples in Kandinsky’s textbook of the same name published in

                                                                           1926. The Poesie des Funktionalen series (pp. 32–33) abstracts

                                                                           Gropius’ Bauhaus main building in homage to the designer Mar-

                                                                           ianne Brandt (1893–1983), who had been experimenting with

                                                                           double exposures and reflections since 1925. In contrast, Bernitz

                                                                           interprets the prismatic compositions of the painter and graphic

                                                                           artist Lyonel Feininger (1871–1956) in the Meinen Kubismus nenne

                                                                           ich lieber Prisma-ismus series (pp. 46–47). Bernitz has collected

                                                                           these and other Bauhaus abstractions, which vividly bring us

                                                                           closer to the diverse visual processes and techniques taught

                                                                           there, in an illustrated book and recently self-published them.

                                                                           Since 2018, the works have already been shown in numerous in-
                                                                           ternational exhibitions.
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