Page 37 - AIT0523_E-Paper
P. 37

Beeindruckende Konstruktion mit eleganten Materialien • Impressive construction with elegant materials

                                                                               ... Details und Materialien wie Holz und Ziegel • englisch

             Ziegelsteine: Perfekte Auswahl an Farbe und Struktur • Bricks: perfect choice as to colour and texture  Zentrale Piazza mit Brunnen und Bronzestatue • Central piazza with fountain and bronze sculpture

             entire complex. In the centre, he placed a fountain and the Dancer bronze cast by the
             sculptor Väino Aaltonen. On sunny and warm midsommer days, one inevitably dreams
             of being in a Mediterranean piazza.

             A magical night in Alvar Aalto’s synthesis of the arts

             Aalto designed the town hall as a total work of art, from the urban construction vo-
             lume to the door handles and the elegant furnishings with lots of pine wood and le-
             ather. He is said to have ordered more than 200,000 bricks in order to make a per-
             fect choice of colour and surface texture. The furniture in the meeting rooms and cor-
             ridors has been designed by Artek designer Maija Heikinheimo. Almost everything
             seen here is still in its original condition. Necessary alterations in the library, the of-
             fices, as well as in the guest rooms were incorporated into the architecture by ma-
             king sure to take special care, without disturbing the finely balanced atmosphere. It
             was also Taskinen’s idea to offer overnight accommodation in the original flats. From
             the rooms, the view falls onto the piazza or into the adjacent pine grove. Accommo-
             dation is available for up to four people and it includes having their own kitchen as
             well. On request, an extra bed appropriate for an additional child can be provided.
             The in-house café serves breakfast and smaller meals. Säynätsalo is a magical place.
              And what better way to experience this than to stay here in the “Tahiti of Lake Päi-
             jänne”. Good to know into the bargain: Until autumn 2023, Jyväskylä’s Alvar Aalto
             Museum will be housed in Säynätsalo’s town hall.              Grundriss Obergeschoss • Upper floor plan

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