Page 71 - AIT0521_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Arge Scala/Jeggle, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart
                                                                                     Standort • Location Taubenheimstraße 12, Stuttgart
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Thomas Herrmann Photography,
                                                                                     Stuttgart (1,7); Scala (2-4,6); Jeggle Architekten (5)
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 134


                                                                                     IN STUTTGART

                                                                                     With the Olgakrippe nursery, Arge Scala / Jeggle Architek-
                                                                                     ten designed a marvellous city component which takes
                                                                                     up the historic villa structure of the Stuttgart district of
                                                                                     Bad Cannstatt. With its wide variety of visual references,
                                                                                     the vertical organization follows the idea of the “stacked
                                                                                     city”. All the groups of the “children´s villa” have their
                                                                                     own open areas and an attractive common garden.

                                                                                     O   lga Queen von Württemberg (1822-1892) became part of the Würt-
                                                                                         temberg national history due to her strong commitment to social
                                                                                     facilities. To this day, numerous Stuttgart institutions are still linked
                                                                                     with her name as is the Olgakrippe day care centre on the edge of the
                                                                                     Bad Cannstatt spa park at Taubenheimstrasse 12. This children´s day
                                                                                     care has existed since 1875 and the popular daughter of the Tsar Niko-
                                                                                     laus had taken on the patronage for it at the time. Her large portrait at
                                                                                     the roof of today´s day care welcomes children, parents and educators
                                                                                     every morning. With this recently completed city component, Arge Scala
                                                                                     / Jeggle Architekten again take up the Wilhelminian villa typology of the
                                                                                     neighbourhood which had become lost in the 1950s. The result is a mo-
                                                                                     dern, veritable “children´s villa” with four storeys towards the street and
                                                                                     five storeys towards the large, sheltered garden full of attractive old
                                                                                     trees – and a front garden as it is typical of villas as well as a small pu-
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan                               blic “Olgaplatz”. The architects derived the envelope of fibreglass with
                                                                                     its gradation of colours from the traditional old sandstone- and brick fa-
                                                                                     çades seen in Bad Cannstatt. Projections and recesses characterize this
                                                                                     tower block and, on all the levels, produce generous, individual terraces
                                                                                     for the nine socially mixed groups. A sculptural outside staircase – a se-
                                                                                     cond escape route – links all the terraces and the garden. On every level
                                                                                     of this “stacked city”, the bright, light-flooded “children´s houses” with
                                                                                     their groups and dormitories are arranged around a common square. A
                                                                                     “light and air shaft” extending from the very top all the way to the bot-
                                                                                     tom creates interesting visual references for the little ones and the
                                                                                     grown-ups no doubt and, according to the architects, also considerably
                                                                                     contributes to the night cooling due to its thermodynamic effects. Strong
                                                                                     colour accents in the form of linoleum floors and individual wall surfa-
                                                                                     ces are to simplify the clear orientation for the children. In the main
                                                                                     staircase, 28 “light eyes” are directed like binoculars to the experimen-
                                                                                     tal workshop of Gottlieb Daimler in the spa park opposite. They are to
                                                                                     show that great things can indeed grow out of small beginnings. Queen
              Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1  Schnitt • Section     Olga would no doubt take great pleasure in this new day care.

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