Page 59 - AIT0519_E-Paper
P. 59

Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
                auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Ja nuar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
                in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an
                ihrem ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

                Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific theme
                in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture in Aachen
                and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint motion picture “Oi!
                Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

                D   o you remember it? The lyric evaluation system by Dr. J. Evans Pritchard? His  is that called nowadays? I no longer know much about school, it is all far too long
                    500-page work entitled “Understanding Poetry” which assessed the quality of a
                                                                              ago. No doubt everything is different, no more focusing on grades, no stupid memo-
                poem based on the two aspects “perfection” and “importance” based on the I x P =  rizing, no panicky copying, no cheat sheet underneath the school toilet, no cowering,
                Q (importance x perfection= quality) formula? And do you still remember how the  lying and trembling anymore but enabling instead of punishing, understanding in-
                new teacher, Mr Keating, enters the classroom and says: “We are not plumbers, we  stead of parroting, realization instead of grades, courage instead of fear. That’s how
                are dealing with poetry here. You cannot evaluate poems in the way of American  it is, isn‘t it? I went outside, was hoping that new ideas would come to mind while I
                charts” and who suddenly demands of the students who are dutifully taking notes of  was strolling, the warm spring air smelled of nature. I walked, the rows of turn-of-the-
                the formula: “Tear out the page!” And no doubt you remember it since it is the central  century houses, all looking the same, accompanied me. Then it smelled of fresh con-
                scene in Peter Weir’s film “Dead Poets’ Society”. And do you still remember Rütli  crete. And I stood still. At first, I took the building for a conversion, a typical energe-
                Schule? Ten years ago? This school in the Berlin problem district Neukölln, which  tically upgraded flat-roof box as it is found by the hundreds in any industrial park.
                sounded as innocuous as alpenglow and which resided so friendly-sedate building  But a construction sign as high as a house claimed something else: “New Construc-
                from 1908? This school, however, which the teachers only entered under police pro-  tion of Campus Rütli R2, subsidized with funds of the European Union.” And now I
                tection, where the students walked around while armed, the principal received threa-  saw it, new buildings had sprung up all around the sedate old building of the Rütli
                tening letters and then first she, then her successor and then her successor gave up  Schule, a workroom pavilion, a canteen pavilion, a neighbourhood centre and an L-
                after just a few  years? Do  you remember?                                              shaped, four-storey annex at the firewall of the
                “Horror school”, “knife school”, “ghetto                                                old Rütli Schule, a severe perforated façade
                school”, the headings became larger and lar-                                            with golden shimmering metal windows. Pu-
                ger. And when even the New York Times and                                               rists would have rejoiced and called the insu-
                the Washington Post reported on the “hate                                               lation-system façade “minimalist” or “aus-
                and violence at the rutli-school”, something                                            tere”. The construction site was abandoned,
                had to be done. A competition was organized                                             the improvised sheet-metal door of the new
                by the senate administration for urban deve-                                            building stood wide open, I went in. I was blin-
                lopment and housing. An annex to the old                                                ded by the sun, out of the twilight, a concrete
                school building  was to be constructed, a                                               stairwell appeared as I knew it from my own
                neighbourhood centre, workrooms, a canteen;                                             time in school (only no longer board-marked
                a library. Architecture was to achieve what our                                         but smoothly poured), then a windowless cen-
                society is incapable of doing, was to pacify                                            tral hallway with, on the left and the right, rec-
                violence, open up educational chances, esta-                                            tangular, unilaterally illuminated classrooms
                blish a sense of community, defuse religious                                            branching off which ignored the position of the
                conflicts, mitigate migration problems, reduce                                          sun. The layout as well seemed familiar to me,
                the gap between the poor and the rich, pro-                                             not from my own school but from historic ar-
                mote tolerance, strengthen  women’s rights,                                             chitectural lexica. Schools around 1870 looked
                enable social inclusion and defend the liberal-                                         like that only that then the outer walls were
                democratic basic order while also functioning                                           decorated  with glazed bricks, the  windows
                flawlessly as to economic efficiency, techno- Foto: Benjamin Reding                     imitated Gothic style and plugs for smartbo-
                logy, logistics, education as well as meeting                                           ards were still lacking. Towards evening, I went
                all the DIN and Euro standards. An ambitious,                                           back to my desk. My school scene just would
                many times rewarded office from Leipzig won the competition; the jury thought the  not get any better. I slept badly, kept turning over and decided upon a plan at dawn.
                design to be “economical yet having spatial quality” and only criticized the exterior a  I drove to the Ruhr area, visited a high school and participated in the class. German
                bit. “In combination with the thermal insulation system, the façade with its pragma-  advanced course, double period, the subject was “Faust”, the study scene. I pricked
                tic characteristic style of simply relating to the interior rooms results in an appea-  up my ears, I was excited. Now the modern students would get going, demand, ask,
                rance which runs into danger of looking banal.” Then came the mayor, the first cut of  discuss, fearlessly and freely analysing “what holds the world together at the core”.
                the spade, flashlights, shaking of hands, then the construction work started. An allot-  A moment of silence, then the message flickered on the smartboards: D.A.S. (drama
                ment garden, 7,700 square metres of green in grey Neukölln, was cleared for the buil-  analysis scheme) for LK-Q2: Eight items, from the contents to the listing of the lingui-
                ding. Then the construction work was delayed as it is usually the case with public  stic means and their perfection (you remember: “perfection”), from the structure of
                buildings, and the “violence at the rutli-school” disappeared from the press reports,  the dialogue to the classification of the importance (you remember: “importance”).  I
                talk shows and internet blogs. And I as well had forgotten the Rütli Schule and its  x P = Q. The students eagerly made notes, there were no questions. “I have to know
                buildings, students and problems. Outside, in front of my office window, the trees  it well for the next test”, a girl next to me whispered. Dr J. Evans Pritchard would have
                were flowering, the sun was shining, a mild wind was blowing. It got warm, for the  been jubilant. One cannot reproach the Rütli architects. As long as the teaching do-
                first time that year. But I was sitting grouchily at my desk. Work on my new script was  esn’t change, the students will look the way they do. I think we should do as the tea-
                stagnating. A school scene, German class, upper level, SEK II or Q2 or how … how …  cher Keating did and call out: Tear out the page!

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