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Jeden Monat nähern sich unsere Kolumnisten, die Berliner Filmemacher Dominik und Benjamin Reding, dem jeweiligen Heftthema
             auf ihre ganz eigene Art und Weise. Geboren wurden die Zwillinge am 3. Januar 1969 in Dortmund. Während Dominik Architektur
             in Aachen und Film in Hamburg studierte, absolvierte Benjamin ein Schauspielstudium in Stuttgart. 1997 begann die Arbeit an ihrem
             ersten gemeinsamen Kinofilm „Oi! Warning“. Seitdem arbeiten sie für Fernseh- und Kinofilmprojekte zusammen.

             Each month our columnists, Berlin-based filmmakers Dominik and Benjamin Reding, approach the respective issue-specific theme
             in their very personal way. The twins were born on January 3, 1969 in Dortmund. Whilst Dominik studied architecture in Aachen
             and film in Hamburg, Benjamin graduated in acting studies in Stuttgart. They started working on their first joint motion picture “Oi!
             Warning“ in 1997. Since then they have tightly collaborated for TV and cinema film projects.

             I  t is rare that a piece of furniture becomes famous, even makes it onto the evening  quietly whispered to us, was only kept in this photogenic, permanently horizontal
               news, the daily press and the forums and the thinnest ramifications of the inter-
                                                                           position by a fan installed below it. We were once again standing on the cobblestone
             net. But this table, creamy-white, somehow classicist, uniquely proportioned,  pavement of the Red Square, frozen stiff and hungry after five hours in the hardly
             squeaky clean, polished to a high shine, it did manage to do so. The object was  heated Kremlin without a snack bar or a restaurant, when one of these oversized,
             brightly floodlit, centrally positioned in a likewise “classicist” hall, prominent, as if  overwide state saloon cars whooshed past in the direction of the government Krem-
              on a stage. It was later written in the press that it was a unique piece, specifically  lin gate, a SIL, latest model range. And, not because we identified him but because
             designed for the room. Whether in Italy or in Spain, whether in 1996 or in 2005, on  we wished for it, behind the bullet-proof glass pane we thought we saw the contours
             this the press did not quite agree – the information was no doubt top secret. The  of the Secretary General of the Central Committee of the Capitalist Party of the Soviet
             table top, decorated with delicate flower tendrils, rested on heavy columns, three  Union: Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbatschev. Suddenly we were smiling and waving,
             large ones, surrounded by eight smaller ones on each side. A table with 27 columns.  exuberant, high-spirited like children, despite the austere looks of the guards. And,
             Only regarding the length of the table was there a consensus: six metres. Moscow, in  as it seemed to us, the man in the SIL waved back. I read that the six-metre length
             wintertime, many years ago. A vacation in Russia. With a visit to the Kremlin. The  of the table had been necessary, essential even. To be safe from Corona. I was thin-
             melancholy vastness of the Red                                                                king whether the 150 centimetres
             Square, the endless queue silently suf-                                                       would not have been sufficient as
             fering the cold and the waiting in front                                                      well which are required as the mini-
             of the Lenin Mausoleum; the garden at                                                         mum distance at every bus stop or – if
             the Kremlin wall with its graves – on                                                         one wants to be totally safe – maybe
             the one of Juri Gagarin, a dozen roses                                                        three or four metres or a Perspex disc
             lay – waxy Lenin wearing a suit in his                                                        between the host and the guest. I also
             coffin of glass, the tomb of the un-                                                          pondered about how on earth one
             known soldier in front of whose fla-                                                          had placed the tiny flower arrange-
             ming star old women bent by sorrow                                                            ment into the centre of the table and I
             were putting down flowers. And then,                                                          thought about the chip rake when
             already at dusk, the entry into the part                                                      playing roulette. Yes, this table remin-
             of the Kremlin accessible for common                                                          ded me of something. No, not of the
             people, us tourists as well. Through a                                                        too obvious and unfair association
             banal steel gate into the core thickly                                                        with the “Führer desk”, no, not of the
             surrounded by red walls. The image of                                                         room furnishing of a Trump Hotel in
             the matryoshka, the doll inside the                                                           Las Vegas and no, neither of the deco-
             doll, often quoted for Russia, here it                                                        ration of a pizzeria in – perhaps – Gel-
             fit. Why are the powerful again and                                                           senkirchen. No, the table reminded
             again attracted to classicism when it                                                         me of a film! Hollywood, the 1940s.
             comes to design? Because governance                                                           The set design (study of a statesman):
             is to show itself modestly, in “noble                                                         brocade curtains, coarsely patterned
             simplicity and quiet grandeur”? Be-                                                           parquet, oversized pilasters, oversized
             cause democracy has been given a                                                              doors, oversized windows, oversized
             form and a name in the Greece of Pe- Foto: Benjamin Reding                                    furniture and an oversized globe. Of
             ricles? Or yet because its travesty, the                                                      course, everything somewhat classi-
             tyranny, the dictatorship in ancient                                                          cist. Design for a “ubermensch” who
             Rome, is adequately reflected in the column-surrounded palaces of the Caesars? The  starts to dance, narcissistically, who makes the globe jump, fly until – bang – it bursts
              easterly wind blew bitterly between the historic and the historicist Kremlin façades,  under the pressure of his caress. Yes, the table reminds me of Charlie Chaplin’s ma-
              drove us and the snow into the maze of the small squares and the angled paths bor-  sterpiece The Great Dictator. When I started this column, peace still reigned. When
              dered by guards. Somewhere here, behind the fences, guard booths and listlessly  this column will be published, war is already raging. In Kyiv, Kharkiv, Ukraine,
              constructed brick security walls, in the separate, really secret section of the Kremlin,  maybe already in Belarus, maybe already in other parts of Europe. Yesterday, I ente-
             a Mr Gorbatshev was sitting at the time and was making world politics from desks  red a building that will probably never be shown on television, about whose furnis-
             which one rarely saw on television (office furniture of the most boring, real-sociali-  hing there will not be any memes on the internet. Yet its mishmash of styles consi-
             stic kind, steel and particle board, far from any “classical period”). It could be said  sting of a parabolic staff vault and loud neo-Gothic style, of blueish light through
             that he made peace. Where this study was precisely located was not clear. We as  window glass and a golden starry sky of mosaic stones is definitely adventurous. It
             tourist visitors, also the Russians, assumed it was directly below the always cheer-  is a church in Berlin-Neukölln. In front of a wooden saint, whose name I did not
             fully fluttering Soviet flag on the roof of the Kremlin Palace that, as a translator  know, I lit a candle. I don’t know if it helps. But I hope so.

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