Page 99 - AIT0421_E-Paper
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Entwurf • Design Georg Bechter Architektur + Design
                                                                                     Bauherr • Client Georg Bechter, AT-Hittisau
                                                                                     Standort • Location Dorf 135a, AT-Hittisau
                                                                                     Nutzfläche • Floor space 1.100 m 2
                                                                                     Fotos • Photos Adolf Bereuter, AT-Dornbirn
                                                                                     Mehr Infos auf Seite • More info on page 126

                                                                                     GEORG BECHTER

                                                                                     IN HITTISAU

                                                                                     Outwardly, Georg Bechter might be one of the “young
                                                                                     wild ones” of the capital. Only once you know him and
                                                                                     his work better, you notice how deeply he is rooted in the
                                                                                     Vorarlberg. His architectural office has now found a new
                                                                                     home in the parental stable. The construction materials:
                                                                                     timber, clay, straw and sheep’s wool. After the tour – and
                                                                                     this is also typical of Bechter – a schnapps is offered.

                                                                                     S  ting: Those are popular keywords constantly being mentioned these
             Grundriss Erdgeschoss • Ground floor plan  Grundriss Dachgeschoss • Attic floor plan  ustainability, respect for what exists, global thinking and local ac-
                                                                                     days – in architecture as well. The subsequent implementation, howe-
                                                                                     ver, only rarely succeeds and then also only by few representatives of
                                                                                     the profession in such a consistent way as shown by the Hittisau archi-
                                                                                     tect and lighting designer Georg Bechter. Keyword local: There is a di-
                                                                                     stance of just five metres between his childhood home and his new of-
                                                                                     fice- and workshop building. The latter is his father’s old stable. Three
                                                                                     years ago, cows had still been standing in it; nowadays, this is where
                                                                                     Bechter produces architecture as well as luminaires for the internatio-
                                                                                     nal market. His mother still lives in the building next door. With respect,
                                                                                     but without false modesty, Bechter has succeeded in appropriating the
             Grundriss 1. Obergeschoss • Floor plan level +1  Querschnitt • Transversal section  old stable for his very own purposes. Where it was necessary, he ope-
                                                                                     ned the façades and the roof; all in all, however, he has left the striking
                                                                                     structure in the landscape untouched. Diagonally oriented slats stand
                                                                                     represent the new content. The ground floor and half each of the upper
                                                                                     and the top level are reserved for the manufacturing of Bechter’s small
                                                                                     but fine luminaire company. What is being produced here enjoys in-
                                                                                     creasing popularity among architects and interior designers. Now deve-
                                                                                     lopment, production and logistics have found a place under one room
                                                                                     and share the adjacent office spaces with the no less thriving architec-
                                                                                     tural company specializing in small private buildings in the region. A
             Ansicht West • View west               Ansicht Süd • View south         total of 15 employees are working together here in a family-like atmo-
                                                                                     sphere for the one or the other line of business. The workstations are
                                                                                     spread across two levels which are linked with large open spaces. The
                                                                                     materials used reflect Bechter’s understanding of sustainability: The
                                                                                     rooms are insulated with straw bales; the walls are plastered with clay
                                                                                     from Bechter’s own building pit and the floor as well is nothing more
                                                                                     than stamped earth, polished and finished until an attractive kind of
                                                                                     “clay terrazzo” resulted. A ceiling cladding of sheep’s wool ensures good
                                                                                     acoustics. The most attractive room: a two-level conservatory which
             Ansicht Ost • View east                Ansicht Nord • View north        opens to the scenery and serves as a break room and an office kitchen.

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